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About iFlavorious

  • Birthday 07/25/1995

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iFlavorious's Achievements

Post skill aquired!

Post skill aquired! (3/9)



  1. terkadang itu adalah masalah konektivitas, tolong check kelancaran internetnya
  2. i suggest you to learn php or asp.net, it is very good for developing website, and some programs are done in realtime. You can also mix the java program, jquery and ajax on the website with it basic programs. but I would suggest to learn php in advance. besides this program is opensource, php also widely used company developing company.
  3. iFlavorious

    Mohon Bantuan

    DP apa PD...............
  4. iFlavorious

    Whats This?

    why? -,- this is a legal item, edit item by PD, Reid is old GM... it legal to use but ilegal to sell
  5. STR VIt AGI dibutuhkan untuk magnus
  6. biasakan bertanya lebih spesifik, tolong beri screen shoot tentang masalah yang terjadi pada anda, atau setidaknya gunakan beberapa rincian keterangan tentang masalah yang ada pada saat anda menjalankan game, sehingga lebih bisa spesifik mengetahui apa masalahnya
  7. orange said, it can always be given back if you can explain to her, how did you get it (when and what event)
  8. ohh ... i see .. sorry i just want to ask =)
  9. I have heard (some people), one of the players who have done multivote get unban. is that true?
  10. ya ga tau juga sih, tapi skill aktif sama pasif kan beda haahaha
  11. klo gunain axe, yang di ambil skill passif buat axe dong... kan di sana tertulis jika sword rapidility dan sword acuracy akan aktif jika anda menggunakan sword
  12. i dont know why they did it, but this is outrageous, it is irritating .. just my guess, maybe you try to scam by selling HQ or something so that they would do it?
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