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Everything posted by Sky_Light12

  1. Sky_Light12


    yup , it's more common than 2013 . it's like moving just 1 inches at start of DD would crash it then partner blames me intentional logout when this is gonna end ?
  2. nope , no function like " i forgot my ID " like pass reset does but there's 40% that GM/admin will handle ur ID
  3. 4 komen dg kata2 yg sama , kamu pasti bercanda ? salah tetap salah....walaupun kmu donate ( bahkan PD ) . ulang aja dan pke cara " legit " ( tanpa PK bug , RMT , account trading , griefing , spotting & KSing ) . grammarnya keren , bung :D translation : 4 comment with same words , u gotta be kidding me ? wrong still wrong...regardless u donate ( even PD ) . just start over and walk " legit " path ( without PK bug , RMT , account trading , griefing , spotting & KSing ) . epic grammar , bro :D seems this is the reports of " JualLanChaR " ( keliatannya ini laporannya "JualLanChaR " ) : http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/27762-multi-report/#entry285764
  4. for the last time , all GMs may know most of things in ur account , but they cannot see ur Pass nor help u recover it
  5. just make sure that player SSed ( don't forget a warning and proof they won't stop ) , especially if u're getting framed i would rather " lonewolf " than group , as my group once intentional KS and i stopped attack monster . however , became part of the group still involved to KS regardless innocent or not ( unless the reporter forgives the offenders ) if someone says " SPOT " or " this is my SPOT " . u have three choices : SS & report him or teach him/her a lesson straight with your fist ( PK . this especially useful if that person battling a boss , make sure don't use AOE skill or accidentally KS ) last option : resort it by saying like " GTFO , developer made this game . this means u have no rights to own it "
  6. seems u didn't recognize me.... daniel/paindrake , retired at 2013 but back at 2014 september
  7. hmm... rein hack , perkiraan 20% dapat rein hack item dari pemain lain selain hacking , selama 80% dapat dari hacking translation : hmm.... rein hack , calculated 20% gained rein hack from other players besides hacking , while 80% gained from hacking
  8. wonder dual login buffing is legit ? i can't calculate it whetever legal or not like having rune master ( ??? ) , cardinal ( cast speed & orpheous foem ) , destroyer ( deffs ) , magnus ( group buff ) & templar master ( critical ) , to buff 1 character from aready OP to " significantly OP "
  9. it's legit item no calculation needed . can be bought at itemshop
  10. although , SA is a neutral job ( any race ) . but still elves highly recommended job as human aready have their light armor skill at monk job . there's few benefits for elven soul arbiter ( not just it's ability able to wear light armor ) : highest mage critical rate highest inquirer's imobilizing debuff ( traquility and cripple ) mana burning ( soul spear is bugged , so u'll burning mana skill only rely to " mana burn " , reduce max MP . still considered about same damage as soul spear and can be act like second ver of soul spear ) mid ranged ( both for soul spear and manaburn , having same casting animation as holy strike ) a powerful AOE , greatly resemble fighter's version of earthquake . named holy earthquake ( manual AOE like fireblast and stun type AOE , counterpart of fighter's earthquake and cardinal's shield of justice ) high damage potential strong 1vs1 skills highest level of light armor expertise ( allowing more deff ) but has a weakness too : highly recommended to have bishop's maxed holy barrier , maxed shrewd spell , orpheous foem , great heal , divine heal , mana skills ( transfer mana and manablast ) only 1 AOE low level of few buffs stat passive applied automatically when become soul arbiter : magical crit & cast speed , both increased to 1% and 3 vit added
  11. be sure not first character u made
  12. it appears fighter counterpart of rogue's sniper , panzer is bugged too : musket training does not increase ur damage musket skill doesn't have icon it may be that panzer's range is shorter than sniper . possibly a bug
  13. only thing are bugged are '' kneeling fire " ( although , it still causes damage but the debuff is not . same cases as soul arbiter's skill : soul spear is present , both these skill's debuff are bugged )
  14. yeah , cosplay i was hoping for : ~ bidding ~ owl mail message ( allow to sent or accept gifted items ) ~ boss fight event ( accompanied by 10 rank list of highest damage done by powerful players ) . there are 5 phase ( draining that monster's lifebar will restore it's health and moves player to next phase ) . any players on the highest damage list will have better reward ~ training map ( meant for newbie use's or testing skill combos ) : contain a dummy at training ground ( attacking it will only cause 1 damage regardless of ur damage , same goes with shooting range target ) and shooting range target ( do not attack at all ) at archery & musket training area
  15. meminta '' unbanned '' masih mustahil dimaafkan oleh GM ( kecuali GMnya salah paham ) . aku bisa menebak kmu mau dendam , jdi gk mungkin GM percaya dilihat dari banyak ID & char itu , aku 100% yakin kmu melanggar peraturan berulang kali . kayaknya kmu mencetak rekor '' pelanggar peraturan no.1 di celestia luna '' terutama kmu membuat thead yg berkaitan meminta unbanned , bahkan lebih dari 1 sudah buruk translation for anyone who don't understand at " bahasa indonesia " link to previous thread he makes ( link ke thread sebelumnya dia buat ) : http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/27651-char-saya-dibanned-coba-tolong-bantu-saya/#entry285133
  16. thx for wishing for me . but if u're having diffculty to understand indonesia , i'll do my best to translate it to english if i'm available ;)
  17. srry at 2013 for RMT because that time i didn't knew it's illegal ( in fact , that's prior i'm making DanielGarret ) . i didn't realize that hydro22 was belong to me here's franceska ( this forum meant for guild/clan/crew . like introductions , photos taken , ranting thread , etc ) i was being loyal twice ( first time to franceska and second time to my guildmaster in other mmorpg ) this time i'll donate ( not PD ) about more than 1 million rupiah to make another OP soul arbiter :D
  18. nope , obviously no '' i forgot pass '' option in celestia luna's website
  19. Sky_Light12

    Asking Costume

    and exclusive for private donation users . as far i remembered , require $100 ( presumably , along with other PD costume as well . but this costume's effect just same as most of 10% HP & MP ) from $ ( dollar ) to Rp ( rupiah ) , it would be : $1 equal to Rp.11000 while requirement is $100 , it worth about Rp.1.100.000 i never do private donation before
  20. majin , huh i remembered one of my friend ( who was his brother owned the internet cafe ) play those . dual wielding is good too ( they hold the both daggers at reversed grip )
  21. welcome be sure to fully understand the rules to make sure u won't accidentally break them
  22. Sky_Light12


    maksud saya tdk ada tulisan '' i forgot my pass '' di webnya . jika mau ganti , login dolo ( jika ingat ID & pass ) baru ganti understand ?
  23. Sky_Light12


    just unintentionally stumbled this thread : http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/25964-hunting-guide-austere-grand-master/ ( psst : belong to zohor ) u'll find moar info about austere from there
  24. Sky_Light12


    to improve the rate , u might need a rogue & a certain equips ( i can't remember correctly if there's consumable affect the drop rate )
  25. Sky_Light12


    it's irreversable . u don't need to as GM or anything higher will not take responsibility
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