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About criestxii

  • Birthday 10/14/2000

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    Republik Indonesia
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  1. science field boss immune debuff or interrupt, it is aggro skill got immune tho?
  2. pardon me, but my friend attack just up to 1k, we can see aggro back to me after several hit.
  3. i think attract skill to field boss isn't working to field boss i don't know it is sure happen from long time or after immune boss update. So i try using 2 type attract: attract and attract circle. To field boss: Black Gargoyle, well its not work as usual to other mob or boss so i curious. But boss target can back to me if i start to do dmg more than my party.
  4. Well its no problem at zoom out screen, well i just have that costume. if i have other i'll test later :) Anyway there Shoot without costume and Zoom In.
  5. It is bug? CLO when open on 1080p resolution.
  6. Same as me. Its candy garden map bug.
  7. Rune Khnight Job have lower Attack but still wort because have good Attack Speed Buff and Stun.
  8. I have trying to figure my character skill animation and im found this: 1. The bug 2. When i am using other ava : Detail: AVA: Wedding Dreed (Red) Job: Rune Khight Race: Elf Weapon: 2H Skill: Burning Crash.
  9. dapat ikan lele, ama ikan mas, kalau hoki dapat shining Garbage. Kalau dijual harganya mahal.
  10. Ada kak.. Yaitu farming Rough diamond, atau mancing
  11. Im indonesia player, but can we be a friend?
  12. Can we stream the contestant?
  13. Horayy in the end a balance pvp :D
  14. Poor you bro.. :(( i agree now to get 1B so easly
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