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A friend invited me to play this and since he's a very close friend to me I decided to check it out. It's not out yet so I went to see it wiki page and I couldn't believe how out-dated it was(it was closed down and now [removed] is going to re-launch it). So I decided to update the links and info that needed to be updated. However since I'm new to this game I don't know that much about it so I'm asking if you guys now anything about the game so I can get as much pre-planing for both the wiki and for me to create a well planned char^^.

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But it is on topic O.o

[removed] is an online game and I'm talking about updating the info about the game so that I can make a better character build and list the armor and items I will need(which is a form of game strategy). Since I am talking about a game  it is on topic. By the way [revmoved] means [removed] the game.

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  • Administrator

Feel free to discuss flash, single player and co-op games but you are kind of advertising and saying how you are moving, or trying, a different MMO, big difference there. Sorry topic locked and edited.

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