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About masruril

masruril's Achievements


Freshman (1/9)



  1. ohhh gitu....ohh ia mw nanya dong player" asal bandung sapa" aja?? gw dari bandung....pengen share"an...!!!
  2. AAAA....gw mw nanya nih...di forum celestia luna ini apa bisa jual/beli char??? kan klo jual/beli char di dalam game langsung d banned....lah klo d sini bs gk?? Mohon pencerahannya kakak" sekalian...!!!
  3. The perfect path for Destro is >>>> Guard-Swordman-Knight-Destro 1)Guard : u have enchanted HP lv 10 2)Swordman : u have sword accuracy (The best destro is wearing 2 handed sword) 3)Knight: u have heavy armor expertise lv 15,blessing guard lv 5, solid weapon, weapon synchro. armor synchro 4)Destro: u have all skill from warrior/mercenary/gladi ( so u dont need to choose warrior/mercenary/ or gladi ) That's all i know about Destro....maybe can help u... ^^
  4. I'm not saying my friend use my account to sell his account ... I just say that after my friend opened my account, he opened his account and then he shout to sell his own account, so he got banned, because according to the GM rules that prohibited . according to my friend, the GM can check the IP that used an account that he was banned. So he banned all the ID that was used in that IP. That's not fair right? my friends who did wrong but also why my ID is banned? :angry: :angry: :angry:
  5. You're the trickster GM ... you let us play here and then banned it ... what you all are aware that in fact he is a fraud ... he allowed us to vote to get the gold point and donate to her benefit ... and what you realize? he blocked us when there are mistake that do not even need to be banned ... if for example we make big mistakes like having Equip a bug I can accept if he is permanently block ID ... but what if small errors such as KS, and the most bizarre character when we sell! Why, if we sell our own character?? It's our right ... why should we on the banned? Was clear that GM just want to profit ... he forbade us to sell our own character, and he was also banned for selling gold right? it was clear he forbade us, so we continue to vote and donate for him to get a lot of advantages. And the GM should give us warning before we get banned, so we do not make mistakes again without banned. It's better right? And if we can no longer errors on tolerance, you should tell us first why we will be banned so that we are aware of the mistakes we have made and not repeat them. This is a criticism and my solution so that no more people who feel aggrieved in this game. One of them is me. Actually I get banned without reason...I swear i do not make any mistake, but why my ID get banned? My friend opened my ID, and then he want to sell his ID...then he get banned cause in your rule that forbidden to sell character..and then Why My ID get banned too???This is not fair right??? My friends make a mistake and my ID get banned too...!!!This is the real...!!! I dont understand why my ID get banned too...!!! T_T So please GM unbanned my ID :masruril

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