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Everything posted by LightM

  1. Nah itu mengakui kalau kamu melakukan "exploitasi bug" coba baca di rules. Beberapa hal yang kamu anggap "trik" sebenarnya itu memanfaatkan "bug" atau kesalahan yang ada di dalam sistem. Dan exploitasi yang sifatnya merugikan pemain lain seperti yang kamu lakukan, emang masuk kategori illegal.
  2. pake holy barier dulu aja sebelum duel-nya dimulai.. kalo gak salah foil cuma maksimal 4 detik deh
  3. Problem number 3 caused by "unexpected monitor resolution changing". some programs need to change monitor resolution even for a second. you can test it by changing your monitor resolution, that error will be appear. To prevent it you should 1. change your "User Account Control Setting" ( on windows 7 : control panel -> system and security ) to "Never Notify" 2. Make sure you didn't have any programs that will change your monitor resolution even for a second.
  4. coba pake cara ini kk [media]youtube.com/xyz[/media]
  5. kalo mau coba bikin aja dari level 1. jangan naikin skill apa" dulu. jangan pake equip. trus liat sendiri deh 1 eva = berapa dex, 1 m.a berapa int kalo yang gw coba sih 1 eva bisa 6 atau 7 dex.
  6. SPI = WIS -> naikin magical deff. AGI = DEX -> naikin strike, eva, critical rate.
  7. yeah.. using reset skill will recover you sp
  8. coba aja pvp pake mage, yang tipe damage-nya bukan DOT. pasti hasilnya agak mengecewakan dibanding kalo lagi pve.
  9. remove your kynee -> relog -> upgrade stealth -> relog -> use your kynee. i realize this bug when i playing arch ranger when using altair bow.
  10. :D thanks a lot sir. i searching rune carving dust because i read your tutorial.. so yeah, thanks again for your help sir. you make me feel excited again for playing celes.
  11. is it true the only monster dropping rune carving dust is maggot paul? or i can get it from another monster? it there another monster drop this item, can you tell me what monster is?
  12. iya, m.a-nya emang ngga berasa apa-apa kalo buat pvp. kalo gak salah ada staff yang bilang karena m.a di celes terlalu imba, makanya ada pengurangan (gak tau pengurangan apa) untuk pvp.
  13. semua berkontribusi deh kayaknya.. rogue kontribusi buat nyulik" pake stealth-nya. atau nyerang jauh dari belakang pake arch ranger-nya. fighter kontribusi buat deff-nya atau malah jadi starter penyerang, tergantung dari equip sama class-nya. mage kontribusi buat heal, support, atau bisa nyicil damage sampe kill pake dps-nya. tinggal pilih deh mau kontribusi sebagai apa.
  14. jadi rame nih tempat curhat. nonton video tutorial magnus INT, trus ngeliat "Pet" dijadiin tanker, ternyata beneran bisa lho.. :D tapi butuh latihan yang cukup lama buat pake-nya. lumayan buat ngelepasin diri dari "never ending stun"-nya Nera Harbour.
  15. LightM

    pet stunned bug

    thanks sir.. :) please take your time.. and thanks for your attention.. :)
  16. LightM

    pet stunned bug

    im using my pet as tanker sir. cuz it help me a lot for hunting. lure monster when attacked : lag sparrow : even wookies : by the way, im just reporting a bug. i hope this can be help. :)
  17. LightM

    pet stunned bug

    on nera harbour, when pet get stunned, the character cannot move like its get stunned too.
  18. i almost get a heart attack reading this post.
  19. im gonna try to level up my char to get some SP then i will try increasing my skill again with my altair unset. now my char are rune walker my whispering fire now is lv 2, i have tried twice to max it skill until lv 6. but it wont happen.. XD i already wasting so much SP.. lol Edit : thats right, it caused by my altair. when i removing my altair, my whispering fire can going to the next level. even when i relog. XD
  20. i try to level up my whispering fire skill, but when i re-log or change map. my whispering skill descreasing again to level 2. and it still reduce the point of my SP. i tried it many times but it still doing the same. note : im using Altair's Composite Bow when i leveling up my whispering fire skill.
  21. ur welcome bro.. i wrote that because it took me almost a year to get enough money to buy or create some good stuff. and i collect money with rogue with normal item. but philoed with eva. just wait for dot until all monster died..
  22. i also confuse with skill's casting time on fighter.. i tried using dk set + sword rapidity.. but then rune impact and sonic boom casting time is still same without both of them. you can use ogre set until level 82 then you can change to guardian set for a better deff or berseker set for bettwr p.atk until 105
  23. if you have better equip which can provide you more p.atk and crit rate, i prefer shadow spin than wind breaking. shadow spins give much more damage than wind breaking, why should you waiting for DOT when you can kill with just 1 hit. @105 my entrapper only use hunter blast + shadow spins to kill mob in nera. but if you didn't have enough p.atk and crit rate, you should max level wind breaking for more DOT. wind breaking + hunter blast + hunter smoke its a nice combination DOT.. 276 + 251 + 264 it will be hurt
  24. i think both of them can farming nicely because of their damage and eva. But dual weilding give you pinalty to p.atk, eva, and critical. it will cost you more to replace those pinalty. and because this guide is for farming, not for pvp. i think entrapper still better because of his extortion. oh.. one more secret for entrapper, he have a skill called catch pounding, its a cool skill that have faster casting time than rune impact and fearfull blow. :p
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