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Everything posted by Ghora

  1. Halo. Adakah guild yang aktif dan sedang oprec... dan menerima char cupu? Starting over soalnya. lagi pingin kembali main, tapi merasa kesepian sendirian, hahaha. IGN: Abon
  2. Also occurred to me last night (as an Avast user). Just in case you use Avast like me: 1. Turn off Avast's behavior shield temporarily (protection > turn-off the behavior shield) 2. Reinstall the game 3. Add celestia luna installation directory to exclusion (settings > general > exclusions > add > browse the directory) 4. Re-enable Avast's behavior shield 5. Enjoy your game It will probably happen with any other antiviruses (AV). The AV will detect CL as a malware, then the AV will immediately delete the game executable or move it to the virus vault. Generally for any AV, just disable the real-time protection, reinstall the game, add the game to exclusion, and finally re-enable the real-time protection. Geez... These AV detection heuristics are so terribly programmed that false positives are everywhere.
  3. Halo. Baru main lagi sejak login terakhir ~2014 lalu karena kesibukan duniawi. Banyak perubahan, yak Too lazy to read the changelogs~ Masih rame kah?
  4. Hi all. Some lil question from a noob :D - What makes entra and BT good to use? What are advantages of both jobs? - Which one is better for farming? - Which one is cheaper to build?
  5. Ah iya ya.... :o Wedew, langsung oleh momod fifin :lol: Jadi yang satu dibunuh dari dket, yang lain dibunuh dari jauh. Bgitukah? :huh: . . . Oh iya, level 110++ itu ga ramah buat gold finder drop2an momon ya :huh: Thnks eniwei ^_^b
  6. Halo kawan2 dan sepuh2 dan mastah2 sekalian :D As we know, leveling sampe 75... It's damn so easy. Tapi tapi tapi, setelah 75... yaampun, exp seret... Hunt jadi ngebosenin. Apalagi saya lagi pake bishop dengan skill melee trio holy. Jadi tambah ngrasa bosen dan jenuh (lagi di lvl 9x mau ke 105) :( Apa kalian pernah merasa apa yang kurasa? :lol: Apa yang kalian lakukan ketika merasa apa yang kurasa? adakah tips biar ga bosen leveling dengan exp seret (sekalian tips leveling deh kalo bisa. Soalnya sejauh saya browsing, cuma dikasi tau spot buat leveling, ga mendetail ex:leveling yg efektif) Last, ketika saya iseng jalan2 ke naila village ch 1 & 3 buat ngliat barang dagangan orang2, ebuset... Harganya ndak punya perasaan, beratus2 jut, sampe milyar :( Jadi brtanya2, apa itu barang2 bisa laku ye? Kalo iya, dapet dari mana ituh duit. Soalnya pengalaman saya, nyari duit 100jt aja, well... It really costs a hand and a leg :huh: Mohon dimaklumi pertanyaan dan pernyataan saya sbg newcomer. Mari saling berbagi pencerahan :lol:
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