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Everything posted by Nyaaaaa

  1. me too,DS armor 20p.a sold for 2.5b,huff :(
  2. bagus bener nih post nya :D kebanyakan anak indo sekarang pakai cheat skill,yg max level itu atau RMT,pas d banned baru deh ngumpat2 sendiri... :P
  3. suggestion : luna plus weapon glow effect ^_^
  4. before doing all those awesome update,fix the bugged skill first ^_^ and,could you please dont add more equip+weapon :wacko: it'll destroy the price of DS + DM + H.set.. etc
  5. Nyaaaaa


    i always get this when i want to play celestia luna.. help please.. im tired to reinstall every time i want to play..
  6. T^T hiks hiks http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/9028/abn.png
  7. Nyaaaaa

    idk u.u

    cant open irc
  8. Nyaaaaa

    idk u.u

    GM .. why i get banned ? ID : abrahamsapient InGameNick : Maoko thx
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