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Everything posted by ~PowerHouse~

  1. i believe in magical/spiritual beings, not in ghost :O
  2. you need chatting friends arround you, when opening the boxes.
  3. click this button Then set to window mode
  4. whats the minimum "match point" to DD anyway? i remember encountered problem when i set my age to 70+ years old. Then i can DD No one
  5. you can always ask for free. not to mee of course cuz i dont have any :D . Found it abit troublesome my self when leveling through lizardmans and kobolds.
  6. I was asking people to lend me Golds also. Then they said "Get to 110 first then i'll lend you". The point i made was Gold for easier leveling to 105 by philoing/reinforce/etc. As for now, i;ve never been recieving any Gold from people. But i do help them earn Golds by buying Stuff at NC 3. Have some dignity in yourself peeps. :D
  7. Entraper kk. Guide bs cari di guide section. Goodluck.
  8. wah terbaek kk. kalo ga salah drop di fighter in the wind lokasi Nera Grave. seingat ane di luna laen Medusa juga drop dari mantis di Great Garden CMIIW
  9. Numpang Tanya. Class, Race & Job apa ya yang berkontribusi banget pas GvG/Tournament? Bisa juga sertakan alasan dan analisa mengapa. :)
  10. Ada sesuatu dengan resolusi screen ente gan. misal ente runnning luna sama video player, masing2 btuh resolusi yg beda, saat maen luna resolusi misal X, pas video misal Y. kemungkinan pas kedua nya jalan pada mau ganti2 resolusi secara automatis. kalo dari X ke Y bisa, kalo dr Y ke X kmungkinan ga bs walhasil muncul error vertex2 gitu deh. Kalo vertex2 gitu biasane berhubungan ama 2D/3D grafik API, semacem directdraw, OpenGL,DirectX dll. muncul error pas API nya ga bisa bikin gambar 3D. kalo kasus ane, pas maen luna ane tinggal afk, lapi ane ane set otomatis lock utk 10menit, pas ane login lg muncul error2 vertex jg. share aja sp tau ada yg lebih paham masalah error in-game. HappyGaming~
  11. merasakan susah leveling dari 1-105, sekalinya DD mokad kena momon magic. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  12. oh mirip RO dkk dong :o blum ada client sih gw jd blum bs macem2.
  13. masok.......... southforbes, st.rosa, laguna 9:50 AM 2/18/2013
  14. wah bijimana tuh caranya? selama its not violating/breaking server rules/owner's will, its should be alright o.o
  15. ohhh thats why makin sepi. karena yang bisa di lakukan cuman update content ajah. kasaran nya kalo di analogikan cowo<->maho<->cewe clasic luna<->luna alpha<-> luna+ wahaha kgk nyambung ye :wacko:
  16. thats why we call it as private server. everything legal as long as it doesn't against the owner's will. HAHA
  17. bagus guide nya :D wah baru nyadar yg f2345 hehe
  18. free up some memory spaces by killing unneeded programs. if you has flash pulgin running, kill it.
  19. masih transisi ke luna+ ini celes? bug nya kek luna + #lamagakmaen :V
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