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Everything posted by Peterz

  1. Welcome and enjoy the game..get the new friends and find your old friend as well. Good luck :)
  2. Peterz

    Account Recovery

    Great.. Orange I appreciate the hard work done by the GMs.
  3. Saat aku bermain, ada orang gila yang sedang berlari sambil ngemil arang dan ingin melompat ke arahku. Aku keluarkan senjata sakti, tetapi dia hanya tenang dan mencoba mengambil upilku yang besar dan berlendir. Aku ingin mengambil kesucian orang gila yang ada di depanku. Namun nasib, malah dia yang di gigit oleh nyamuk unyu-unyu tembem yang berterbangan cepat kedalam hutan belantara Amazon penuh gadis-gadis liar yang suka boneka Panda gendut, bau, jelek dan suka mencari keindahan dunia. Hancurnya hatiku melihat wookies selingkuh dengan orang lain membuat jantungku menjadi hampir meledak dan ingin makan bakso panas sambil gotong royong. Aku sangat bingung melihat baksoku berbentuk seperti muka wookies, yang sedang bercengkerama di depan rumah. Saat makan, datanglah wookies tiba-tiba, yang membuatku ingin mencubit hidung wookies dan mentraktir nya bubur yang berisi slime goreng rasa pisang coklat karamel sambil mengatakan bahwa aku itu ganteng. Lalu aku pun pergi ke pasar gelap yang menjual telur busuk untuk membuat adonan spesial dengan bumbu cinta resep emak ijah yang cetar membahana. aku pun pergi tamasya naik onta ke kuburan untuk melakukan uji nyali. Aku pun melihat bidadari tampan melompat sangat tinggi ke langit sampai kepalanya Gundul bersinar silau bagaikan batu akik yang sangat indah dengan ikan goreng rasa chicken nugget. Lalu aku berpikir apakah aku ganteng? atau sudah jelek
  4. Peterz

    Account Recovery

    There is no recovery account system yet right now, better make a new id and start again.. but don't forget your id password. :)
  5. "Not responding" It may have some possibilities. 1. "Computer" to much program are opened or many unwanted programs are installed automatically when you start the computer. Clean it and uninstall some programs. 2. "Client". maybe there have any corrupted file or adding some files from others Luna. Reinstalling.. do this, Uninstall and delete the folders "Celestia Luna Online Alpha" (let them create the new folders while Installing). Than Install from Luna web site. http://celestialuna.com/ 3. "Internet". This is the most often if you in the poor area net work. This may come from your internet traffic in in your areal network is busy, this thing make your upload speed and download data became slow and delayed. if this is happens so your computer program may say not responding. Ask your Internet provider in your area network. Trace it what the possibility has been happened to you and fix it up.
  6. welcome back and enjoy the game
  7. Coba lihat disini. http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/25826-top-3-technical-issues/
  8. How about mage skill called mana burn (bugged, does not remove mp but still does damage)
  9. My friend got this problem last two weeks ago. She asked for my help and she has tried any suggestion i gave but won't work. Even she re-installing the patch won't run, she ask me copy of celestiapatch file i sent it to her but didn't work, all ended up when the patcher won't run. She went to her friend house using her friend computer she can log-in over there everything looks o'right . After 2-3 day latter i met her in game i asked her what happen and she told me that the problem is not come from computer but the internet poor. Now everything o'right. My suggestion is don't do re-installing to fast when facing the problem like this. ("can't connect the server" it's mostly come from poor internet connection)
  10. Welcome to Celestia luna.. and enjoy the game..
  11. Welcome..and enjoy the game :)
  12. Welcome to forum and have fun
  13. Good bye and good luck with you studies ..
  14. Peterz

    Recover Account

    Read this : http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/25826-top-3-technical-issues/ maybe there have some solution for you problem
  15. yes.. attract circle treats deals to the damages. i have some experience last time when we were leveling at grave yard, when I was using lv 5 attract circle and my partner got kill after he hits the mobs so I level my attract circle skill up to lv 10, well my partner safe. (he is cardinal with 12 k damage). and the other day when my partner Blade taker with 40 k damage my attract circle was useless after he hits the mobs all mobs run toward him and my attract circle doesn't affect them even they were attracted some more times it's no affect.
  16. Saat aku bermain, ada orang gila yang sedang berlari sambil ngemil arang dan ingin melompat ke arahku. Aku keluarkan senjata sakti, tetapi dia hanya tenang dan mencoba mengambil upilku yang besar dan berlendir. Aku ingin mengambil kesucian orang gila yang ada di depanku. Namun nasib, malah dia yang di gigit oleh nyamuk unyu-unyu tembem yang berterbangan cepat kedalam hutan belantara Amazon penuh gadis-gadis liar yang suka boneka Panda gendut, bau, jelek dan suka mencari keindahan dunia. Hancurnya hatiku melihat wookies selingkuh dengan orang lain membuat jantungku menjadi hampir meledak dan ingin makan bakso panas sambil gotong royong. Aku sangat bingung melihat baksoku berbentuk seperti muka wookies, yang sedang bercengkerama di depan rumah. Saat makan, datanglah wookies tiba-tiba, yang membuatku ingin mencubit hidung wookies dan mentraktir nya bubur yang berisi slime goreng rasa pisang coklat karamel sambil mengatakan bahwa aku itu ganteng. Lalu aku pun pergi ke pasar gelap yang menjual telur busuk untuk
  17. You don't waste your 16 slots but you save your time from idle, the 16 slots you prepare co'z you need to take some items of them if you don't want any other item except weapons you can just throw away the full one (100) and left 7 slots.
  18. yes.. that works, i did like that too. try.. and good luck :)
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