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Everything posted by herson00

  1. herson00


    alguien me puede decir como donar atraves de oxxo ?? gracias
  2. Querida GM Orange quisiera saber si recuperare mi cuenta de matrix56 o porfavor recorte las horas deperdido aguanto 2 meses de castigo por favor espero su respuesta gracias dado que sea el caso de que no me conteste lo tomare como un no gracias de todas formas...
  3. jajajaja ok no lo sabia nunca antes habia creado una cuenta entonces orange perdoname aunque sea dame la cuenta de matrix56 y nunca volveras a saber ni tener queja de mi
  4. You apologize otra ves the trouble I reiterate that the account is located Duhast is not mine and in June 2012 I stop playing by REASONS given to him before my account was stolen so I could not averlo done I could not averlos insulted with xmaster bow porq at the time estaa saving to play in 2013 after I returned again to steal and went back to his game horrar devido aque love in this 2014 return you believe with all respect that insult to re- lose everything ? devido because aque I want to remain part of their community 'll have vover save to keep enjoying this wonderful game you for your attention expect an answer
  5. Me bannearon porque mi primo se conecto del mismo ordenador que yo y empezo a insultar alos gm y por culpa de el perdi todo lo que tenia por favor ayudenme a recuperar mi cuenta gaste en ese char mas de 200 dollares y ase tiempo me hackearon 2 cuentas asi que eh invertido mucho en este juego y se me ase injusto que me bannen yo se que quiza fue mi culpa por dejar mi CL abierto pero es mi casa no pienso que alguien va a aser algo asi ayudenme por favor gracias mi char es xderek cardi 126 T.T
  6. herson00

    From Me 4 U

    Enjoy these 3 allopass codes for 45pp i cant use it so i wanna share it with us... codes:m8848c47 m563665p m78o5676 note: idk if its 0 or o in the third code.
  7. add grow and small phils to the item mall
  8. herson00

    Payment Methods.

    Hello, I wonder if allopass return as payment method? Because my phone will not let me send messages to the other method. If you could answer me, I would be very grateful. Sorry for the bad English.
  9. i cant wait ;c i want that costume and the sahel zone too :3 make more pvp events :3
  10. that item is essence of tenia, in the update you will add the Honky costume??? Of the gpot luna i always want it in cl *Q*
  11. disable the antivirus, uninstall celestia, erase the Celestia Luna Online folder, install it again and run it , it works 4 me :3
  12. herson00

    1h Magnus Questions

    if you dont want go full str and holy set vit
  13. but not hacked accounts or yes? o-o
  14. or you can go to your antivirus trash and recover the file of celestia
  15. uninstall erase the file Celestia Luna Online, disable the antivirus, install again and done :3
  16. lol i can wait all the time to recover mine first char q-q
  17. if you got 1+ month you can send the message to RainbowDash :3
  18. but him dont recover hacked accouns .-.
  19. ;o lingerie my account was hacked u-u but i want to recover my first account, you can send a message to RainbowDash
  20. +1 Decipher i agree, fighting cl ;3
  21. herson00

    1h Magnus Questions

    go dex 1 hand magnus you got nice def and give good dmg like 5-6k crit to destros if you'r 115 because destro dont have good def and in gvg is good too also you can go to eva and be hard to kill
  22. herson00

    Dex type fighter

    go magnus 1 hand dex tipe you got very nice def and good dmg and hp.
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