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Everything posted by renscha

  1. ehm... ^^ kangen luna, download cl setup baru ^^
  2. apa ada event double topup pp dlm rangka earth day? di page donate msh normal, cm takutnya sama kek natal kmrn, event dah jalan, blm brubah di pagenya. ^^ thanks before utk infonya guys ^^
  3. but: -don't hv much time (busy in real life) -so lazy to farming NH to get gold and buy some gift as event rewards -sleepy everytime log in and see the basecamp tree -no double PP at the moment -and........ also......... you can name it here :p hihihihihihi "v
  4. :p just for april fools event ^^ don't rush it for real :p hihihihi.. peace "v
  5. for april fools?.. i am,.. but for real, guildmaster Mr. Dudi you are and also hope that the event will be held soon :p.. pink one for me, okay? ^^
  6. is it true that tonight will be held an event from guildmaster, free butterfly wing (can request colour)?... is it true?.. hm, i guess its just april fools :p **Run**
  7. soon is what i can tell now. lol i'll PM you when ready (lvl 20 char :p)
  8. ^^ mgkn memank harusnya bgitu ^^ nice idea ^^ stlh party, biar dia yg kill semua monsternya, do as they wanted to.. aq exp ama dropnya asal ke-share, bakal duduk manis :p
  9. thanks infonya Mr. Lueee.. mdh2an gk ktemu tukang ks lg ^^ skrg kl hunt, trus ada org, lgs pindah channel hihii ^^
  10. Mr. Dudi, can you tag the link of crusader build (uptodate version) here? thanks before ^^
  11. where's everyone?.. think that its starts here too,.. sleep time :p
  12. our basecamp is at Alker Harbor channel 1, near celerian (npc) ^^
  13. finally we have a thread. new spot to sleep. ^^ @Tuan, feel free to whisp Troyard in game for sleepingknights and other person for union guilds like it shown above.. ^^
  14. :) gpp volare, udh lama jg n kmrn itu pas isenk ksana jg dia diem aja. Jadinya dimaafkan saja. :) sy jg dah gk ke makas smntara ini. :) Udh nemu 2 buat dipake, :).. Dimaafin aja, supaya mulai taon baru ntar dgn jiwa n sikap yg baru, smakin baik. :)
  15. Khan ada rules yg berlaku, jd lbh baik di buat report. Utk report ya hrs sesuai ketentuan yg ada. Kl maen PK, khan tergantung playernya, ada yg gk mau point pk. Gtu sih kl pdpt sy. ^^ Lanjut tidur ^^
  16. thanks Babynyan.. yup. already on donate page ^^ double PP yippie.. ^^
  17. Iya dah double, thx vinrusher infonya.. Runningman88, its already double pp here at indonesia. You should check the donate section,.. hope its already start there too.
  18. 'duh dah tgl 25, tp blm kliatan event double top up ^^ apa tahun ini gk ada eventnya? apa ada infonya? ^^ thanks before ^^
  19. http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/27283-kaka-cara-kirim-ss-an-ks-dimna-sih/?hl=upload#entry282954. Bisa diliat dsitu kak, postingan kak bombillo..
  20. Bombillo bisa tolong linknya? sorry, picnya gk bs kbuka, mgkn komputer sy yg error nih. makasih sblmnya..
  21. ^^ asyik, posts ke 10 ^^.. td isenk ke makas, ktemu IceArrow12 tp gk ada makas, n dia diem aja ^^ hihihii dah diampuni aja ^^ mdh2an dia baca post ini n bs sadar ^^ thanks utk Bombillo info2nya ^^
  22. iya Bombillo ^^ sy cuma nyari utk char sendiri, mungkin itu tukang jualan ya? maksain org utk beli di shopnya di NC ch3 kali ^^ ada2 aja sifat org ^^ dia baca postingan ini, ktakutan jd PK-in char sy itu.. ^^ hihii sy balas pake char yg lg butuh flick itu, lmayan lvl 89 ^^ dia marah2 ngatain sy bego ^^
  23. ternyata org indo jg si IceArrow12 - guild aliansi bulan ^^ udh baca postingan ini jg ^^ ktemu di lokasi makas, maen PK,.. hihihihi kliatan mentalnya tukang KS ^^
  24. 4 post lg ^^ udh lewat juga ini ^^ biar aja dech ^^
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