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About FistoFighter21

  • Birthday 01/01/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Java, Bandung
  • Interests
    Animate, YouTube.

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Freshman (1/9)



  1. ah i see, i thought something else, thanks for the imformation..
  2. i had just reached Lv.105 and getting my next job, suddenly my critical stats became like this. http://prntscr.com/e1bxfc i've tried to relogin and restart client but it still had that much :/
  3. duh, dah kuduga emg acak. owh oke, trims sarannya.
  4. halo, kalau mau sekaligus numpang curhat disini enggak apa-apakan? kayaknya sih udah sekitar beberapa bulan dah ninggalin gamenya, liat gamenya di library steam jadi kangen buat main lagi. dari dulu sih udah sempet nyari kesana kemari guide guide di forum tapi tetep g ngerti dan statsku acak banget saking polosnya main semenjak 2 tahun-an kwwkwk kira-kira guide yg pas buat charku apa yak?? tipe PvE.
  5. My VGA Is AMD Radeon R7 240 with these spec 32 bit, 2GB, the Graphic Driver is installed correctly. my OS is Windows 7 Proffesional i had On-Board VGA IntelĀ® HD Graphic Family, maybe i should just use this VGA rather than the AMD?
  6. Oh about that, i'm sorry, had a bad mood on that time. I had already Reinstalling them and Run them on Compability mode but the GUI was still like that. never installing The game on C:/, always on other Drive (E:/) if it's graphic problem so was it because my VGA or something? o-o btw a long bump. . .
  7. Halo agan-agan, udh sekian lama g main CL krn main yg lain :mellow: #curhatdikit sebelumnya, jarang banget ngalamin error kayak gini klo main, dan g nemu post forum yg ngalamin ini (ato ada tapi kurang teliti carinya yak? >_>) mohon bantuannya gan :D
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