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About Potung

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  1. Potung


    thats november ,, and now desember caught me because my problem on yesterday november story , but GM,,, u know,, u has banned me on november at " 2 weeks " and i wait to unbanned ,,, now this december i am not doing anything ,,,, i just sell reskill and GM banned me again because my past story = GM banned x2 its hurt
  2. Potung


    btw how can i share the ss?
  3. Potung


    just 1 character in thats account nickname correctly TakeMyHQSir
  4. Potung


    ooh its nickname takemyhqsir
  5. Potung


    sorry sir sorry sir, whats ign?
  6. Potung


    i just sell Reskill because my nick takemyhqsir and i must sell HQ ? please what i am mistake
  7. Potung


    or because my nickname Takemyhqsir i can fix my nick please unbanned
  8. Potung


    GM, why u banned me, what i mistake ? btw i login irc and chat whyban say "User hqmakers1 banned for reason 'Scamming repeatedly [Orange]'" but i never Scamming people , maybe GM banned wrong people , thats my account selling item with title sold correctly. i unbelieve my account get banned from GM orange, Tell me GM why u banned me if GM have the ss, i am scamming people please give thats ss, so i can fixed my to play luna online Please GM reply sorry if my type english bad, hope GM understand
  9. udh 10 ch bunuh nya cuma drop HQ ,, tpi aq liat di web bisa drop bow tie itu hoax , ato gw yg sial ga drop2 TT
  10. Potung

    Vote tolong gan

    ooo gitu makasih kk
  11. Potung

    Vote tolong gan

    iya... tpi kan saya punya 2 ID level 120... ID nya beda
  12. Potung

    Vote tolong gan

    Gw punya 2 ID lvl 120 .... ga bisa vote 2 kali ya di 1 PC ?? tapi kalo gw pake proxy bisa gan apa tuh illegal?
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