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Everything posted by FinalMove

  1. its dream of full moon. and btw thanks.
  2. so I just came back to this game a few weeks ago and I just wanna ask what is the price range for belt of wisdom,farouk's ball and the head acce that has 5% magic crit
  3. I just wanna say hi to you guys. im a returning player from waaay back. I think it was around 2008 or 2009. when rheidwan and soji was a mod with orange and brandon (owner). so basically im a new player again. specially with the new level cap (before it was just 125), new maps,new mobs,new bosses and new items. im kinda shocked with the prices of the items right now. basic stuff costs atleast 1b now lol. I need to start leveling so I can farm up! see you guys around.
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