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Everything posted by |Z|

  1. take that dude.. a.k.a=alias :P
  2. jiaaa, baru tau die.. wkwkwk

  3. |Z|

    Pertanyaan :3

    http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php/forum/14-character-report/ jangan lupa format penulisannya..
  4. penipuan ituu.. yuki udah bukan GM lagi..
  5. heey, i can read pandah's mind :D
  6. -sits in the corner, drinking tea-
  7. you guys spamming and left page one without me D: anyway, Sanko, you are very welcome here xDD
  8. |Z|

    Need ur Help Sir

    if you want to do something with password. politely ask brandon in irc and hopefully he can help you. we dont have password recovery system yet. just fyi..
  9. i think i catch a cold.. ~ACHOO!!~

  10. my pleasure. answered and closed :)
  11. class, and classes again~

  12. are you suure? youve been followed the rules?
  13. |Z|

    help pls

    step by step guide here :D
  14. take a very deep breath. but dont exhale! :D
  15. I think we are more into good gameplay than high profit. it makes harder to ban someone anyway im sure if they only think about profit, profit, and profit, CL would have been full of bots, cheats and bugs
  16. being a good guy sometimes hurts a lot~

  17. kalo donate, musti punya paypal dulu. kalo udah ada paypalnya, login ke http://www.celestialuna.com terus ke tab donate. di situ harusnya ada pilihan donate pake paypal..
  18. operatornya belum mendukung. coba sama operator lain..
  19. |Z|

    di ban kah ???

    [20:47] (shoutbot) User andyrachman1 banned for reason 'cross game trading [Reid]' [20:48] (shoutbot) User andyrachman2 banned for reason 'cross game trading [Reid]' account kamu kena ban permanen. dilarang trading ID game lain.
  20. donate, biasanya lewat paypal, bisa juga pake mobile. tapi kalo pake mobile makan waktu lebih lama.
  21. try turning off your anti virus. then reinstall.
  22. |Z|

    di ban kah ???

    IDnya apa? tar gw cek.
  23. |Z|


    theyre too stupid not to know that Yuki isnt a GM anymore in the first place.. I think you need kynee =/ or try shout in game for several times. shout that you are NOT Game Master.
  24. i think ive posted that kind of spam somewhere here..
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