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Fix This Problem


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its because of your pet.


it happens when your pet get distracted too far away from you and it will sealed by itself, and *booom* you get crashed a few seconds after that.

thank you, i want to delete my pet now  <_<

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  • Game Master

Pets do cause plenty of crashes, but they're not the only things that will cause them. Program permissions do it, any overload of graphic effects, if you click on your Luna window a bunch while it's loading, dual clienting, etc. It is pretty unstable, and not easily fixable. So, for now, unavoidable.

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Pets do cause plenty of crashes, but they're not the only things that will cause them. Program permissions do it, any overload of graphic effects, if you click on your Luna window a bunch while it's loading, dual clienting, etc. It is pretty unstable, and not easily fixable. So, for now, unavoidable.

Yeah~~Pet also cause the mob's spawn delayed in DD

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mostly if your pc sucks(low end spec pc/laptop) or too many memory's work(buffs/pet/graphic/sounds etc),
its work like a grenade.

well what happened to me are the client keep not responding but its back in few seconds.

and also i got problem on client graphic 3d things, it crashed when i connect or disconnect a HDMI cable. Also when i change the resolution of my monitor, it keep crashing down.

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