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Parasus Equips


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Hi, :49:


I just find it unfair for the Akuma's Orb of Power users.
Akuma's Orb of Power  has -ms and -mp reco.

Movement speed is essential to Mages, also mp recovery. :45: 

The thing is, the new equip that can get in Parasus barely have negative effects especially Venom Needle ,Corrupted Branch and Emerald Glider.

It is unfair for Mages who uses Akuma. :45:



Correct me if I'm wrong. <_.

More power to C L O ! !  :49: :49:

- Just a concern Citizen of Alker. :P


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  • 1 year later...

Yeah, sound kinda unfair but if you think of it 2h Staff is actually the default weapons for mage. However, for some reason, Luna devs somehow decided to include 1h staves but most of them are rare and difficult to loot in official server (I spent weeks hunting Grim Reaper which has the same drop rate as Wizardry Wand). Wands or 1h staves have higher magical attack than 2h staves (I maybe wrong here because most wands are rare and have higher stats) and lets you equip a shield for pdef. In CL, they're not as rare and difficult to get so If you think of it, If it gives you a lot of advantages, there must be a drawback. The drawback in the official luna is it's really difficult to get, the drawback in CL is movespeed and mp recov

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