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Cardinal guide


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All credit's to Noctic.

I don't own this guide but i want to share it.

Hey everyone, just sharing with the community a Cardinal Build build that I have tested and used in the past. Hope you all enjoy it.

Please do not repost this guide without my permission. Thank You.

Pro's about Cardinals:

-Strongest Single target Nuke Spell in the Game

-Can Solo almost any map/boss

-Excellent Support Spells

-Excellent In PvP

-AOE Stun

-High DoT

-Bind Spells

-Fastest Casting Speed

Con's about Cardinals:

-Can Be Somewhat Expensive to make

-Hard to level up with from Level 80 - 105

-Nuke Spell Requires a catalyst to cast at higher levels (High Quality Aquamarines)

Cardinal Build Path

Posted Image

Mage ---> Wizard ---> Sorcerer ---> Inquirer ---> Cardinal

Cardinals are a very solid choice for a mage in Luna. They have excellent survivability, a decent mix of powerful AOE and single target spells, and a host of very useful buffs at their disposal.


For your stats, go full INT. It will help power up your healing spells and overall spell damage in the long run.

Class Leveling Locations:

Wizard - Farouk in Alker Harbor

Sorcerer - Farouk in Alker Harbor

Inquirer - Dubchata in Red Orc Outpost

Cardinal - Cindamook in Nera Harbor


Level 1 - 19 (Mage)

Fireball - Max

Intelligence - Max

Wisdom - Max

Spell Barrier - Max

As with most of my builds, start out with your fireball spell and max that out since it will be your main source of damage. Intelligence will buff up its damage while Wisdom will increase your Total Mana and Magic Defense. Spell barrier is there so that the chances of a failed cast will go down, so that way you're hitting for your full damage potential. When Leveling, alternate between your Fireball and your Level 1 Wind Spike that you have by defaut; it will proove to be more than enough until you hit level 40.

Level 20 - 39 (Wizard)

Fireball - Max

Intelligence - Max

Spell Barrier - Max

Wizardry - Max

Spell Craft - Max

Continue on this path, maxing out fireball and intelligence so that your damage scales well with the increasing enemy levels. Spell craft is a good passive that increases your spell damage and wizardry is a self buff that increases your intelligence so you hit harder.

Level 40 - 74 (Sorcerer)

Blizzard - Max

Fire Blast - Max

Intelligence - Max

Wizardry - Max

Spell Craft - Max

Once you hit level 40, leveling becomes alot easier, you now have access to 2 great AOE spells; Blizzard and Fire Blast. Do note, that Blizzard requires you to target an enemy while Fire Blast. Higher levels of Intelligence and Wizardry help you to hit harder than before with them.

Level 75 - 104 (Inquirer)

Holy Uppercut - Max (2handed)

Holy Justice - Max

Cripple - Max

Binding Soul - Max

Intelligence - Max

Wisdom - Max

Fortunate Magic - Max

Bless Vital - Max

Witchcraft - Max

Concentration - Max

Light Armor Expertise - Max

Enhanced HP - Max

Twinkle Magic - Max

Vital Control - Max

Armor Link - Max

The Inquirer class spells will give you a very welcomed boost in your survivability and will start pushing you towards being able to solo maps and monsters. Cripple and Bind are your immobilizer, both AOE and Single Target. Holy Uppercut is there only if you're using a 2handed staff, if not, then just max out Holy Justice. Twinkle Magic and Fortunate magic will help your critical rate so that your spells do Double Damage. You also get defensive buffs as Armor Link and Bless Vital.

Level 105+ (Cardinal)

(Use a Reset Skill Scroll Here)

Turn Undead - Max

Shield of Justice - Max

Holy Taker - Max

Cripple - Max

Binding Soul - Max

Intelligence - Max

Orpheus's Poem - Max

Wisdom - Max

Shrewd Spell - Max

Might - Max

Shield - Max

Mind Barrier - Max

Fortunate Magic - Max

Bless Wind - Max

Bless Vital - Max

Great Heal - Level 10

Fast Heal - Level 1 (Optional for PvP)

Light Armor Expertise - Max

Enhanced HP - Max

Spell Barrier - Max

Wizardry - Max

Spell Craft - Max

Witchcraft - Max

Twinkle Magic - Max

Vital Control - Max

Armor Link - Max

Shield of Justice will be your AOE stun which will keep mobs in place as you Use Cripple on them to immobilize them. From there, you use Holy Taker to begin your damage over time. By the time your bind is over, Shield of justice will be ready to cast again. Rinse and Repeat. Use Turn Undead for any particularly hefty targets and watch them go down. Remember, you'll need 1 purified aquamarine every time you use turn undead so be sure to stock up on those. All the other Buffs and passives are pretty much self explanatory. You can max out your heal, but its not necessary, since you'll have alot if INT and your heal spell will do its job at lower levels.

Leveling Spots:

1-10 - Gate of Alker

11-20 - Ruins of Draconia and Zakandia Outpost

21-30 - Zakandia and Tarintus

30-40 - Moon Blind Forest and Moon Blind Swamp

40-50 - Zakandia Mines, Way to Howling Ravine, Howling Ravine, Mont Blanc Port, Dryed Gazelle Fall

50-60 - Howling Ravine and Howling Cave 1F

60-70 - Howling Cave 1F and Howling Cave 2F

70-80 - Howling Cave 2F and Ghost Tree Swamp

80-90 - Ghost Tree Swamp, Lair of Kierra, Valley of the Fairy

90-100 - Valley of the Fairy and Nera Harbor

100-110 - Nera Harbor and Great Garden

115+ - Nera Graveyard


Wands are going to be your best bet with Cardinals, since being able to carry a shield will help with your defenses greatly. Medusa's Staff is the best wand a Cardinal can get, but getting it is a tremendous pain since they're a drop from 2 of the hardest Bosses in the game; Wild Mantis in Great Garden, and Fighter in the Wind in Nera Graveyard. An Alternative is an Athena's Mythrill Hammer, which is a one handed mace that gives excellent INT and a nice VIT boost, sometimes even surpassing the Medusa's staff if built up right. If the Mythrill Hammer is not avaliable to you, just stick it out with your Wizardly Wand from Dry Gazelle Fall until you can get a Medusa's Staff.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Hey! Why isn't there an elf guide for cardinals?

Elf Cardinals are on par with human cardinals, but they lack survivability since they don't have any Light Armor Expertise or any of the Inquirer Defensive Buffs and Passives (IE. Enhanced HP & Armor Link). Elf cardinals are geared more towards players who know what they're doing. Human Cardinals are a great starter mage for people trying the mage class for the first time, as it can be alot of fun.

Again all credit's to Noctic.

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Guest Gladius

if you go to Cleric : +12 Vitality +5% MP

if you go to Wizard : +10% Magic Attack +10% Casting Speed


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Guest Gladius

cardinal can be for elf and huma.n.... but its better to be human... because you will be inquirer at 75.. :)

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bad magic attack

the biggest thing that affect m attack will be ur quips, regardlesss of what path u went (yes path does come into play for passives and buffs, but quips play a much bigger role)

if you go to Cleric : +12 Vitality +5% MP

if you go to Wizard : +10% Magic Attack +10% Casting Speed


not true, class passives dont work at this point in time

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Busou Renkin

howdy whether the shield of justice cardinal if max will be a solo skills? how critical a good level for the cardinal job?

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  • 3 weeks later...

any guide for pvp cardinal?

if no hide,barrier and sleep : chill breeze/blizard > shield of justice > chill breeze > shield of justice > holy taker > turn undead xD

if all skill : hide > sleep > shield of justice > chill breeze > shield of justice > chill breeze > holy taker > turn undead

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  • 3 years later...

I wont say it's a bad path, but, you'll miss out the essential abilities from Inquirer, such as, being able to wear light armor, and also M. Crit buffs. If you'd like to choose Warlock, then replace Sorcerer with Monk, you gain higher MA, but lower M. Crit and Defense. Though, it's still up to you on which to choose.

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