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Posts posted by Exposer12

  1. At level 90 I ended up with 2.5k P.Def and P.A. With about 10k Hp Pure Vit with a Berserker set and Laciana's Rapier. After 105 i ended up with 3.3k Pa and 4.5k P.Def. There extremely easy to level up after you hit 95. All you need to do is fine a hitter and tank nera. In the end I quit my 1h Magnus. Simply cause it was a bit crappy in Arena.

  2. Well, I recently started a mage. All my all mains have failed sadly to say. But anyways about my mage. I'm currently following Cruzs Int SA. Currently level 94. I have a total of 8.3B. And I'm not sure what to buy since I never had this much money. Most I've ever had was 1.2B in my inventory aha. Anyways your help would be well appreciated. 

  3. So lately I've noticed my friends getting Dc'ed or Debugged while in Nera Harbor. At first I thought they were just completely random. Then I started paying a bit more attention to my actions. I was tanking as they were pretty much killing. Sometimes the monsters would re-target on them an they would get down to very low Hp, so I would heal them when my pet. Once my pet completed its action, they would get DC'ed almost every single time. I'm not sure what the cause of this is, but I have stopped healing them to prevent them getting DC'ed



    Also, I have noticed the moment you step into a DD arena and try to buff yourself without moving yet, you will get debugged. I've seen this happen to myself 8/10 times. I'm not sure if it happens to other people, but to prevent this I just never buff myself while in there cause not always but at times it kicks me right after using an action. I Would recommend buffing yourself before going into a DD.


    I'm hoping this helps someone if they're having the same issue and don't seem what's going wrong.

  4. So far I've been following Troys 1H Magnus Guide (Warrior>Infantryman>Knight>Magnus)

    Currently I'm level 94 and I haven't really maxed all my skill yet.  I still need around 150 Sp~ And this is not including sword rapidity. It's still level 1. Anyways, When I hit Magnus, should I reskill and prioritize some skills such as RI and Sonic Boom? Or I donno. I'm lost x.x 

  5. I use Windows 8 and I had/have the same problem. If you have the up to date version of AVG you can temporarily disable it. To do this you need to:


    1.Open AVG

    2. On the top right hand corner it says "Option." Click on it. A menu of options should show.

    3.Click on "Advanced Settings." 

    4. Another Side menu should appear but to the left along with a new window of AVG.

    5. Click on Temporarily Disable AVG Protection

    6. Then on the main window, another screen should pop up saying "Disable AVG Proection."

    7. Click on it, and select until I restart. This should disable it until you restart you computer or shutdown.

  6. I was wondering if there was a recovery system,

    I havn't been online in a couple of years (2) I had 3 account,

    Luckily I remembered ones information. I forgot the other two though.

    I was wondering if there is a recovery system. I Remember the emails I had used.

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