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Posts posted by refer15

  1. dibilang rare jg bisa = sebab bikinnya ga mudah, % tingkat keberhasilan pd saat pembuatan ga 100%, jadi kemungkinan buat gagal jg ada, waktu aq bikin necklace lvl 95, pas yg ke 4 baru berhasil.

    rare buat kategori weapon ato armor yg punya craft tinggi bisa jg, dan ga gampang buat dapetinnya.

    Its Up to you, mo disimpen ato dijual :)

    oh gitu y kk

    thx bgt penjelasannya kk :)

    +1 :D

  2. itu di pake ampe lvl 1- ?? . yang membedakannya banyak dikitnya wiesel , garmel dan accesswell

    buat bikin weapon, armor ato aksesoris lvl 1 - lvl 115

    itu buat bikin equip rare ato normal kk?

    bagusnya di simpan ato di jual ya kk? (stupid question)

  3. bilang ketemen2 kamu, jangan pake normal hit... hit nya harus skill trus...

    sambil mainin juga mousenya, skill> pergi> skill> pergi> skill> pergi> skill... gitu

    dalam pengertian disini, Rogue itu skill awalnya khan "Boost Dagger",

    nah klik target nya trus di skill> pergi (maksudnya menjauh sedikit dari target kamu)> skill lagi... repeat

    gitu decgh kira2... ;)

    bener yg di bilang kk antoni :D

    ato coba puter" kamernya

    saya jg kadang suka DC kalo di diamin gitu aja, apalagi kalo yg darah momonnya tebel

    trus kepikiran buat coba muter" kameranya, da ga DC ^_^

    all kalo dia DC kalo lagi di tempat rame. misalnya di alker farm itu kenapa. padahal ga ngapa"in . . .

    kaya nya koneksi kk, krn terlalu rame dan jadi lag

    ato spec ny aga kurang dikit, mgkn :unsure:

  4. maksud ku dr buka golden carp/terappin bisa dapet exp 10% hehe :D golden carp bisa di dapet dr mancing di alker farm / [TW] Golden carp mancing di Moonblind swamp ;)

    oke, thx pnjelasanya ya kk :)

    TS nya mana nih :D

  5. bisa kalo pas buka golden carp kalo hoki dpt VIP hat, kdg dapet exp juga :D

    chance dapet exp nya brp % kk?

    sama itu exp nya brp persen nambahnya?

    btw golden carp dapetnya dari mana yah?

    saya dapet yg biasa" aja :D

  6. kalo fishing itu gunanya dapettin gold carp, kura" itu lupa namanya. . masih banyak lagi :D

    fishing gunanya buat dapetin macem2 ikan(carp, golden carp, terappin, SG, dll) . ikan dr hasil mancing bisa km jual/tukar point di Fishing manager - Alker farm ^_^

    sip, thx kk

    kirain bisa nyari exp jugak :unsure:

  7. people may have changed their ip adress to match yours, and there are also some cases that i know of where a small area get the same ip (which doesnt make sense to me)

    well, if the truth like that, i cant do anything :(

    then i'll try to vote with my mobile phone

    thx to anybody who try to help me :)

    i think this problem is solve and you can lock this topic mod ^_^

  8. dude.. someone playing CL is voting on the same ip you use.. its possible though that others tend to use alot of ips' to vote everyday.. well just my assumption i guess..

    yes, but the problem is only me who play CL in my house

    and i'm sure no one use my pc beside me :(

  9. this means someone has voted on your IP adress, doesnt neccesarily have to be one your account, if other people use the same internet connection/computer to vote, it means u cant =/

    but, no one playing luna at my place beside me

    and when i try to vote with my mobile phone, i can vote (i just try it last night)

    is something wrong with my ip address?

  10. sir, i have a question

    i've char lvl 9x, but when i want to vote, itu says i''ve vote at date xx time xx

    but actually the case is i havn't vote before

    it's happen since 3 days ago

    can you help me sir, please

    *i'm not good in speaking english before, hope you understand :)

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