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Posts posted by ღSὰraℋღ

  1. well just to make it faster ill log on my hotmail and msn threw that for now ed lol


    i finally got 5billion gold



    now if who ever runs the payment site on www.celestialuna.com would put my pay option back up there dao pay or w/e

    i would donate more and get more gold faster......... by buying DS belts heheheeee

  2. mkay, well im glad thats gonna be over altast :) i play luna rarely nowadays tho

    are you still using msn ? c:

    i gotta re-download it, ive been using my cell to chat. i got a samsung galaxy note.

    let me dl it tho and that site with the cute anime u showed me, was it offline? or something....

    i kept clicking the paw icon and it never pop up lol.

    my cmd promt kept coming up and not the client :[

  3. milk+croissants = best breakfast ever

    morning! and saraaah, how are youu? :D


    Iv'e been doing a bit better than the other days or months as i can say....

    i gotta go to court for my last hearing or w/e for the battle of who gets custody of me......

    so i can stop going back and forth threw plane travel, when my mother gets home from her job..... which i get tired of moving place from place.........................................................................

    but i'll be on luna. lol ill be here


    helping and stuff

  4. well i'll give u some tips to avoid this from ever happening ready dear?

    1. If u see something going wrong that's bad and can get u banned don't go to it XD ok dear?

    2. Play safe!

    3. Read rules or ask around in game if you don't kno the rules, there a forum made 4 yeah

    http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php/forum-7/announcement-10-server-and-forum-rules/ <--- tada like magic XD

    4. Have Fun!!!!! not hard to ask is it???? without breaking rules.....


  5. i don't know i like saving now cuz of people selling items that could get me ban.... and i dont kno much about what items are glitched or hackjack or w/e u guys call it XD so i donate from

    celestialuna.com if i want it badly and if its not there oh well....

  6. Backdoor Virus????

    ok i had to re-download the client cuz it was acting odd so im like ugh....!!!

    so then while i want on http://celestialuna.com/

    to download the client, and waited for it to unpack or w/e it does my vipre anti virus freak me out with a warning??? Funny thing is that it still let me play???



    I just wanted to post this to make sure nothing was wrong with the link download on the main site.

    I hope i did the right thing for reporting this. its the first time it ever happen to me? and i downloaded this client alot of times off of celestialuna.com with no virus scaring me....

  7. to me dear, 3-5 business days for most games or private server games.

    hmmm i always donate threw sms and house phone. paypal acts odd so i stop paying like that.....

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