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Everything posted by Bisul

  1. Bisul

    NECRO question

    Venom Cloud have larger area.. 5m. for combo in PvP.. if you take sorcer in path i would suggest, lighting stun, envenom, venom cloud, curse weakness (lock skill first). max envenom = lv 25 = -714 hp x 14 s = -9996 hp (almost -10k hp)
  2. Bisul

    NECRO question

    Stats doesn't have effect on DOT attack skills (damage over time) like venom cloud. it's depending on skill level only.
  3. inqui-cardi is better, more deff
  4. Bisul

    dual wielding

    two +15 AK is the best :P
  5. Bisul


    Shield of Justice, Holy taker. just 2. and maybe devine hold too?
  6. Bisul

    Now Playing???

  7. Bisul

    Entrapper BT

    this one's good.. http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php/topic/120-roughruffianarcherthbt-guide/
  8. Bisul

    Stun doesn't stack?

    I've noticed when i stun a monster with BC and RI and both do stun to the monster, the second stun is not effected.. is it bug?
  9. if both use dual wield, BT have more eva.
  10. Bisul

    Skill Bugs

    and make crusaders skills AoE plss xD..
  11. Bisul

    nanya tentang dd

    Pake dual login/client dan masing'' login/client mesti beda ID
  12. Bisul


    cracked diamond is used to make rare armor lv 105. the main material is a sketch which is dropped from monster in grave (Holy Armor Sketch, Gardener Glove Sketch, Faust Boots Sketch)
  13. 250 http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php/topic/801-guide-required-pdef-and-eva/page__st__20
  14. compare to TM, BT have lv 10 dual wield exp, lv 5 dual wield train (more p.a), n lv 5 dual wield mastery (more attck speed) while TM only get lv 5 dual wield exp.
  15. hmm.. actually SM doesn't have heal skills.. maybe those heals skills you mean r from infant and RK..
  16. your guide title kinda wierd (u should use "Magnus INT" for title) this vid should make people interest on your guide..
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