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Everything posted by Memo

  1. Memo

    Now Playing???

    ^ Akcent, you will love this video.
  2. Memo


    Well, can't we try and look for a translater more supportive then google?
  3. ^ (Ms.Nyan) I agreed, If you'd like, I can rechange my request to: "Viva Le Poster!" I just supported you idea. But this way I dont mind. Cause I get to hug Akcent again. Honestly either are fine, or none at all. lol -Hugs Akcent again-
  4. -Hugs Akcent- Change mine to "Epicly Approved Poster" plzzzz? -Kitten eyes.-
  5. Memo


    Remember to rate and vote up this topic people if you agree. And thank you to all the supporters of this idea, and supporters to come.
  6. Memo


    Thank you. More ideas to come out of the paradox known as my mind. All in the future. Untill then. I can gladly assume you +1 this idea.
  7. I agree with this idea +++++++++++ For real.
  8. Would you like to add my in game to ms.nyan?
  9. I mean, I agree with the idea. But I'de rather this idea be set into motion as soon as possible. So whats faster? Opening a thread. Or asking for a whole forum section made for this?
  10. Yayyyy, I love new friends. As I said earlier. I'm Peyton. You can call me Memo. Its nice to meet chuuuu
  11. Memo


    Ok, is it possible to install a translater in luna. Lets sayyyy. At the game options on the start up (or even in game.) And it have a language selection option. And whatever language you choose. It reads dialog ingame and converst it into the language of your choice. Is there any translater software that can in incorperated into it? Just an idea. It'de make the socialness of the game improve quite abit if you ask me. +1 if you agree
  12. Bright huh? So, oh nice new player, and nice new friend. If you'de like you can drop my ign a message and I'll add ya when I get on. Septim
  13. Couldn't somone just start a thread about this?
  14. ^ Its obvious someone has gotten into the sugar. Or the coffee
  15. Hello.... Big writing nyan cat person...
  16. Hello~ New friend, my name is Peyton. It is nice to meet you. Please enjoy your time at celestia luna.
  17. So whats up? Anything? Yep. The sky. Biatch XD

  18. Memo

    Now Playing???

  19. Memo

    Now Playing???

    And the mood goes on~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MHEovLtJyA&feature=related
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