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Can't Nobody?!

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Everything posted by Can't Nobody?!

  1. I really don't think that the GM's are listening... but uh....: Skill: Mana Burn, Soul Spear Bug: Won't drain mp of target, nor will it reduce the max MP, but it still does damage to the target. Job: Soul Arbiter Race: ALL Skill: DEVIL'S ARMOR!!! (Again and again... I really want this skill to be fixed!) Bug: No increase in p.def. Just a redundant casting animation. Job: Necromancer Race: Human Antoni77 thanks for the correction... SA is all races..
  2. A little nervous about the newly discovered volcano in our neighborhood.

  3. Definitely! I love my pets. But I sense that even my balloons are getting bored with themselves.
  4. Medusa for the win?! But right now, since I'm still a pure int Necro, I use Athena's. Cos my HP is really low. Since I kinda messed up with my skills and now I'm maxing enhanced HP last... :wacko:
  5. Definitely! I wasted a few sp's just to get it to level 2.... That's when I realized that it is actually REAAALLLY useless. If the topic starter has somehow found a really good use for corpse explosion, well by all means, please USE IT!
  6. If your a pure vit necro... will the 700hp deduction still have a "worrying" effect?
  7. I agree.... other than that, the DoT kinda messes up my blizzard chain... >.>... I just love watching frozen things.
  8. I'd show my face but I'm way too shy (and not to mention ugly).... And other than that I can't seem to put pictures in my posts.... :huh: :huh:
  9. No need to be choleric? Thanks for clarifying anyway.
  10. Can you please elaborate on this? I mean... do you mean ZUkini is better than Medusa? In terms of M.A or the other way around?
  11. Waiting for Mass to start!

  12. I suggest you go medusa if you're pure vit... you'll definitely need the extra magic attack :D But now that I am a pure int necro, I used Athena's... I just love the extra HP...
  13. I think the 8k-10k m.a only applies to players who have nice equips (especially those who have the gold to buy amazing [p] and [r] int items). I'm still a normal player. I'm saving up to buy farouk's crystal ball. I used to grind like hell in NH, but I have to go to college now so... T_T EDIT: how much does a farouk fare now in the market?
  14. Research for Eng102 class... :D

  15. Research for Eng102 class... :D

  16. so you mean... I can still go leveling with vit stats in graveyard? (I don't know if that's the right place for those levels though. :) ) good point... that pretty much answered my question... >.> thanks a lot for the help...! :D im gonna be pking and level-downing my necro after 115 anyways so i can continue farming in nh XDDDD weird i know, but i enjoy killing pirates and i enjoy watching them give me all the gold that i need O_O
  17. I have a few questions about the vit stat's effects on mages: 1. Does it really reduce the chances of being stunned? (I heard from a topic here in the forums, I don't know where, I honestly forgot! But I really don't think vit reduces the chances of being stunned.) 2. What level does a necromancer usually go pure vit? (I noticed a lot of necros go pure vit from pure int.) and 3. Is a pure vit necro still quite damaging vs. mobs? or only vs players?
  18. cardi's are way too overrated... but I can't see why they shouldn't... they're really good... but necromancer jar naga!
  19. 90-100 you can grind at ghost tree swamp... then 100-105. you can solo dd with a 100% exp scroll :D
  20. and i think rune masterstill has access to lvl 8 shield, mighty... etc.
  21. Can't Nobody?!


    i actually followed that suggestion wer u shud go dex until u hAve 1.5k crit (with equips and buffs).... it works for me... XD full str aftawads/.
  22. just a little correction on this.... great heal can be a few times better.. why? let's compare (*Heal - cast time - mp cost - power*) Fast heal - 1.4 secs - 247 - 879 Great Heal - 1.4 secs - 386 - 5022 BOTH ON MAX lets proportionate the mp cost:power ASSUMING that a certain point of mp consumed by a healing spell heals a certain amount of hp regardless of m.a (since u went full vit... although... m.a is still really achievable when ur full vit) WARNING: MATH AHEAD! the problem though is its 6 sec cool down... not really efficient xD
  23. not so good.... if u want to support a melee character, you'd need to go through bishop for the high level heals... EM>RM is funny since you'll get the same set of skills. you should go cleric>priest>BISHOP>rune master for pure support for fighters and rogues.
  24. Even though not many people (maybe even NONE) know me here, and even though this is the Intro forum (and I'm saying goodbye XD), I would like to say goodbye to all!!! It's been a good and fun few months here! And the people are actually really really fun... :D So thanks a lot guys for being a part of me this 2011. I enjoyed this game a lot. So.... see you guys 4 months (not that long, but since I enojoy playing this game, it feels like forever) from now. :D Happy New year!
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