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Posts posted by reidkiller

  1. see...I'm not a old player, but I already have 2 rogues, Entraper full str(main) and BT full dex(i'm using it how a shop now), going with dex you'll have evasion and critical and str pdef and patk, I'd rather str than dex because evasion you'll need 280+ and it's need set philosophed with evasion while str you just need up light armor expertise and buy the equipamente of your level(it's good level up some skills of evasion because you'll take some miss also the high pdef to tank)

    And near the lvl 105 you'll get critical in almost every critical even full str...so going with str you'll have a good patk with 85% critical

  2. use the normal protection scroll from +2=+7.. then use forbidden scroll for +8.. it may fail but itll be back for +0.. if success... then you can use Pukerian scrolls from +9-+12.. i suggest the frob scroll because its much cheaper than Pukerian..

    But, waste 3 puke (something like 1,2b) to do a AK +12 ? with the cost of the item+puke+forbidden it's will be more expensive than the item

  3. not all people like that..

    learn to forgive someone dude..

    ok, I forgive if the person did it without bad faith, like when you are lvling up with a party, you see a mob and kill, but who is mobing it isn't you mobber you say "hey sry dude. I thought that was my mobber" but...you're mobbing 10 pirate and you get stuned and came a character "BUM!!!" kill them all, leave without say anything apologize

  4. well for me giving warning should be given.. because base on my experience there are also some players who ask for apology when i gave them warning.. giving warning could also give way to make buddies or friends ingame..

    I disagree,I'm tired to make a mob and a "wild Kser's appeared it used KS its super effective" and I say "Hey, stop with it, I'll get a Screen" every time...and what can I do? nothing, because next time will be another person...and "there are also some players who ask for apology when i gave them warning" is something like "Oh, I killed a person, sorry I wont do it again" have you ever thought about the humankind adopted this policy in society? a half of the world will be murdered

  5. dude, my mentor is entrapper, lv 111, he alone lv 105 made 4b killing all NH mobs!!

    he used: AK +12, Aias +12, Gardener set+ 12 (he made all) 2 hathors, 1 kynee (he doesnt equip it) he use the same path in assasin, come on... his costume was ninja coat, chibi gloves, shini sandals, crit slime, jack lantern!!!

    now he use BWL!! thanks to that money, he beat people of lv higher 120 in alker ch1 xD i saw it, i got screen shot of me and him in DD when we was lv 80

    believe me, he did all of that, nothing is fake

    I've already dicided that my path is Rouge - Ruffian - archer - assasin - entrapper full str

    but someone could answer me please?

    I'll take entraper, but my purpose is make a lot of money with extortion, so i don't mind what will happen with my character till get entraper

    Considering this fact, what should I do to leveling up very fast? Go full str,use 100% scrolls, use some philo stone in my set stained blood?

    and about pet, it's worth use them? because every time that I take them it die...it's make me crazy >.<

  6. I'll take entraper, but my purpose is make a lot of money with extortion, so i don't mind what will happen with my character till get entraper

    Considering this fact, what should I do to leveling up very fast? Go full str,use 100% scrolls, use some philo stone in my set stained blood?

    and about pet, it's worth use them? because every time that I take them it die...it's make me crazy >.<

  7. @BT-Ren

    I don't know what TH-Entra attracts you but for all I know you lost 10% crit damage by choosing that instead of assasin-entra.

    and Assasin-BT dual wield is a big NO. BT skills here in celestia are bugged and you can only use TH skills

    while using Dual wield.

    It's fine but Bish-RM would be a bit better because you can have higher level of heals.

    Stick to archer-sin-entra

    ok, could I go full str? is it ok?

  8. Rouge>Ruffian>Archer>TH>Entrapper or Rouge - Ruffian - archer - assasin - entrapper

    what's the best?remember that I have a FS in my party and I wanna make money with mobs in NA

    I saw in skill calc that is better assasin-Entraper than TH>ENtraper because every skill that th have entraper have too

    what about

    Rouge - Ruffian - archer - assasin - entrapper full str?

  9. well if you don't have enough eva equips you can go at full str and use lvl 20 light armor expertise

    I remember using my entrapper with lvl 20 LAE and just +7 85 set i can already tank mobs easily @ NH

    and what skill is good to max at first? to kill the mob in NH ?

  10. Since your main target is to farm @ NH, mobbing is your best choice to farm faster. With a dagger type char you can

    easily reach 250 eva which would be enough for NH mobs (but not the bosses). Lure them and then bomb all the way :)

    And with a previous dagger character I suppose you got your dagger equips and so that will lessen your expense.

    I need go full dex for eva? even with a FS? what about full str and the fs heal me?

  11. Hmm,Entraper is a dagger type... actualy I want make this entraper because I want make some money(extortion and pirates) and how my main character is ruffian>thief>assasin>BT(a wrong path) start a new character is better than keep lvl up the main

    it's good for my purpose?

    And I have a full suporte friend in my party almost every time, it's make some diference in the choice of my path?

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