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Posts posted by LinuxSlax

  1. gw vote kok ga dapet GP ya :unsure:

    kalo saia bisa memprogram ulang game, saia akan bikin Game Luna yang no Bug, item2nya no minus,

    dan skill2nya no penalties/ fix ulang... 3:)


    gw bisa pelajarin server luna kalo minat bikin PS..asal niat aja..

  2. Against Warnings:

    You guys realize you can fake a warning too right? Easily.

    If someone is desperate enough to frame another player, the warning system isn't going to stop them.

    yeah so what about second warning system?? :D

    For Warnings:

    Sometimes KS's are caused by the game itself.

    I know it's happened to me before, I play a mage-type with my graphics set to low.

    I don't see the other players until they fade into view and my attacks are ranged.

    Do you see the problem with that?

    yeah thats why we need to give a warning purpose or not in purpose

  3. ok, I forgive if the person did it without bad faith, like when you are lvling up with a party, you see a mob and kill, but who is mobing it isn't you mobber you say "hey sry dude. I thought that was my mobber" but...you're mobbing 10 pirate and you get stuned and came a character "BUM!!!" kill them all, leave without say anything apologize

    hei2 forgiving someone is no need an apologize..thats from your heart..

    sorry double post..forgot that im just post before lol

  4. Mh, I do not agree (by the way, the second option in the poll makes it look like we can't disagree).

    I think warnings are important when it comes to kill-stealing reports; it shows the player is at least trying to make the offender stop.

    If people won't need warnings anymore, it will be even easier to make fake reports.

    Follow the person you want to be banned, attack their monsters, and spam your F12 key.

    In my opinion, the warnings rule should be kept, but people would not be allowed to censor their names in kill-stealing reports anymore.

    Lying to us would come with a nice price.

    Also, I don't even see any problems with the fact that spot-claiming reports doesn't need any warnings, and kill-stealing reports does.

    They're two different things. Sure, they're both selfish, but for some reason... I see spot-claimers in another way.

    yeah make a new rules..cant hide self nick in screenshoot proof..i thing people hidding their nickname because of something bad..

  5. I disagree,I'm tired to make a mob and a "wild Kser's appeared it used KS its super effective" and I say "Hey, stop with it, I'll get a Screen" every time...and what can I do? nothing, because next time will be another person...and "there are also some players who ask for apology when i gave them warning" is something like "Oh, I killed a person, sorry I wont do it again" have you ever thought about the humankind adopted this policy in society? a half of the world will be murdered

    not all people like that..

    learn to forgive someone dude..

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