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Posts posted by IcePrincess12

  1. Before suggesting anything further please do plant these thought in your mind:


    1. Its a private server. We do not have 100% technical support from the real game developer (EYA Interactive) which has dumped this game like last year. Basically our team gather every single luna files out there (official/non official leaks) and translate / code it back so we can improve our own server file. So unless we can get our hand on these scattered source files, whatever you suggested is either going to be considered OR put aside (until files that support it appear).


    2. We don't like plus. Regardless what the player opinion about benefit of plus, we don't like it. Why ? because its a mess. Plus is how EYA being too ambitious and failed. HOWEVER, we will try to port some of plus feature like items/maps/monsters/jobs and it is an ongoing project. Orange already posted some of it in the News but like I said in point (1), whatever you suggested it depend on how well the source files is coded.


    3. We have plans on customizing the weapon glow and also Orange have some surprise yet about 'Luna fresh look' that she will soon reveal so you can still put up an suggestion and use the point (1) as your guide.


    4. We do not like to fully customized our server. Yes there is some improvement on some part but it is for the sake of giving our player a 'fresh' look at how well we develop the Classic Luna and not that crappy Plus that EYA try so hard. Luna is a great game, but it was coded badly by the Koreans. It takes time for our developer to test and code our own Luna online.


    5. Further suggestions like quests/homes/guild war/tournament are all considered as content and we will improve/implement them in time.


    6. Bugs/Errors are common and it will be fix along with the next update. However for bugs like skills/items/system might take time to test out and correct the coding. 



    That would be all for now.

    +1 sir Reidddddddddddddddddddddd

    • Upvote 1
  2. kebanyakan yg kya gitu sih rata" msh anak kecil yg ikut"an main cz ada game ginian di net,

    trus main asal main aja, ga pake baca" rules yg beredar,

    imho, ane juga main dulu baru beberapa waktu kemudian mulai baca" rules gamenya  :P 

    sama :3 pasti awalnya begitu kok. dan anak2 banyak maen game ini karna imut dan lucu. maupun cowok ya, pasti anak2 kecil suka. dan mana tau soal rules? wajar kalo itu anak2. tapi kalo itu orang yg "ngerti" sih, namanya bukan wajar. tapi kurang ajar :pd


    Sebenarnya pihak warnet harus ikut sosialisasi masalah aturan2 umum game online. tp bnyk operator warnet yg nakal


    haha, tergantung lingkungan juga kan..


    biasanya sih kalo warnetnya 'bener' mah, akan ada banyak stempel/aturan" yg ditempel didindingnya, tpi itupun kalo dibaca ama usernya  :blink: 

    kayaknya ga se-detail itu deh..

    warnet kan cuma memfasilitasi dg adanya: kompi set + internet dan berbagai aplikasi game online nya. si pengunjung/pemain mau gimana, ya itu udah urusan si pemain. bukan urusan si pemilik fasilitas/OP nya sendiri. kecuali, memang si pemain nanya dan si OP ngerti. kan ga semua game dikuasain OP juga o_o

    paling bisanya sih, kalo OP net ya bersosialisasi soal "no porno di net" atau "jangan nyampah/ngotorin net/ngerusak kompi"


    kalo urusan Rules/Aturan yg ada di dalam game itu, udh bukan urusan si OP ._.


    itu dh. kadang warnet nakal masang keylogger



    malah anak kecil yg biasa di kibulin opna :v

    itu sihh orang-orang jahat banget. bakal dapet ganjaran deh. wlaopun laku netnya, pasti bakal ada waktunya nanti bakal susah -.- zzz....

    • Upvote 1
  3. Heyhoo! nice to meet ya there ^^

    so nice to know that. what makes you so interested in knowing the Indonesia's stuff? maybe we can share one by one hoho..

  4. I want a few GMs in game wich make events in game everyday (or just a custom system for it) like TvT or CTF with a reward ofc it would be like um 3-5 times a day or every 2-3 hours, it would be awesome dont tell me.. :P



    I believe CL will be crowded like in the old days after the update

    agree :p event, event, event~

  5. naaah! if there will be job reset, the thrill of playing will decrease. :)

    agreed :3

    the thrill of playing this game willl decreased of course u_u

    if u want to try a new job, then make it from the start. it's not too hard, isn't it?

    just make your Main Char to be a powerful char or a fun char that will be used.

    Job resetting is a dangerous thing to add, "S>char 150 no job clean wm fast!" would be the first way it's exploited.

    It's also pretty lame that you could pick a job that's easy to level then switch to a harder one.

    The only things I like personally are the new costumes, but they're already coming.

    Brandon's already announced on a bunch of topics that an update is coming.

    We all just have to chill until then.

    waiting in rainbow! hohohoho good luck sir and all GMs :3

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