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Posts posted by IcePrincess12

  1. PK-Leveling is PK Leveling sir -.-

    i dual logged and killed my own char to collect some pk points, coz i planned to level down one of my chars

    after a few moments, some1 came in and said that he took an SS of it, saying that i was PK lvling (or something?)

    i didnt kill any person on the process coz i went to an isolated place, i just wanted to level down

    the only rule i read about PKs is about PK bugging (but seriously idk what is this)

    so tell me am i gonna get banned if the person reports me? coz i never actually know that this is not permitted in the server?

    that's called PK-Leveling for sure, Sir x_x and of course, Illegal. That's is this server newest rules.

    Maybe. Since you still gain Exp if you keep logging off from your PK char when you kill them, it would be considered the PK bug. But, if you never logged off from your PKer, you won't gain Exp while forcing your PK char to lose Exp based off of the PK points. I'm not sure about the deleveling, but to be in PK mode to kill your normal chars, no I don't think that that can be banned.

    no i didnt, my other character didnt gain even 1% exp (plus i never even knew about that)

    as i said, the main purpose was just delevelling T_T

    all i did was pk mode on char A, kill A using char B, revive char A, kill A using char B until pk mode is finished, and repeat that's all

    aside from gaining PK points to level down, there are still ways for you to level down "legally". PK-ing is illegal. :D

    PKing is not illegal. PK-Leveling is illegal. If PK mode was illegal, then the Admins should have removed it from the game entirely, which would ultimately be the Admins fault for not taking it off and having newer players be banned for entering PK mode without knowing about it. Deleveling shouldn't be illegal if you aren't gaining EXP for the benefit of leveling up. PK mode is legal and you can't steal things from other people anymore with PK mode, so its virtually harmless to everyone else, and does not put you at a higher advantage then anyone in the game.

    then i agree with u here, sir Rookie :3

    if u wanna down level ur char, just simply go to a crowded monster then get kill by them.

    yes it takes time , but, .. its not against the rule.

    What were you doing at that time, could be categorized as PK leveling, even if u didnt mean to.

    PK leveling is illegal, and if u dont know about it, its ur own fault, why not read the rule at 1st place, and always look if the rule been change

    this is the answer :)

    if PK leveling is Illegal, then just remove this menu from game -.- zzzzzzzzz

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  2. Bertahun" yang lalu terdapat seorang janda tua kaya yang mempunyai anak perempuan yang mungil bernama Jameela. Dia dan Jameela mengikuti Hasibuan yang gila segila otaknya yang buruk untuk mendapatkan sebuah janda keriput tua bernama Jameela si Janda Sedeng . Hasibuan dan Jameela mencari kakek2 tua untuk dinikahi kelak dengan tetangga mereka. Rupanya tetangga nya berjenis maho. Pencarian pun dimulai, ditengah perjalanan mereka bertemu dengan seorang bernama Kxix, ia sangat ingin membantu agar Hasibuan dan Jameela mendapatkan jimat sakti. Sesampainya di laut, ritualpun di mulai. Dan Mereka Pun siap memancing duyung. Namun Mereka Tidak menemukan duyung satupun. Namun Dia Menemukan banyak kraken legendaris yang ternyata maho yang mungkin mahonya ada di bawah ane. Tapi Ternyata Tidak! ternyata itu adalah patrick dan spongesbob dia tinggal di Rumah makan padang . Tapi dia diusir hingga berakhir tragis Sampai Mengeluarkan Darah dan akhirnya tinggal dialam liar menjadi orang utan yang mirip dengan Suster klinik TongFang Yang Cantik seperti bidadari turun dari atas Pohon Mangga milik pak haji. kemudian mereka punbunuh dirimembusuk dimakan hyena yang bertubuh seksi dan tersisa sehelai rambut yaitu bulu keteknya sendiri :v seperti ular naga di legenda kuno sebuah kerajaan bernama Tutur Tinular

  3. Well I think it is a good idea to listen to music while playing CL. I think, It is also a good way to get more players and increase their satisfaction while playing CL.

    Don't cha think?

    i hope it will Accepted by GM or admins :3

    nice idea though haha

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