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Posts posted by derminores

  1. hi so i'm wondering what's the best equip for a cardinal? i already have the costumes but i'm talking about the armor (i wanted to buy those gloves and necklaces from the item shop but there's no light armor version for mages) so i'm not sure anymore :/

  2. hello friends i was wondering (since a lot of people seems to break rules because they just haven't read the rules) if there is any way to put the rules in the game? i mean like a sign or something, i say this because i have like 10 or more frnds who doesn't even know about the forums and for the same reason haven't read all the rules (only know the basic ones) i understand that most of this rules are just common sense but some people just come from different servers and different rules so if you could put the rules in an easy to spot place (maybe an NPC) or a sign that would be really helpful and people wouldn't have any excuse to break the rules.



    thanks :3

  3. Hello guys my name is damian and i'm a celestia luna enthusiastic :) i won't say fan because i haven't played as much as before but again i've seen a lot of hate lately and i feel like it is really unfair because even if the server is not perfect (no server is perfect at all not even original servers) it has been here for us for a really long time now and even if it closed it got open again for us to enjoy it. still there's a lot of people who complain about things they can't understand (it's easy to complain but it's really hard to understand that the job behind keeping a server like this one is not as easy as pie)


    cable-company-employees-nipples-south-paalso from all the normal luna servers that has existed only this server has survived the hackers and bad times so we should give them more credit and try to help them as a community instead of complaining all the time, i understand that some of us have spend lot of money on it (some more than others) but at least they are working on it (i knew a frnd on the gpotato luna that spend like 3k dollars on it and at the end beign an official server it closed and betrayed everyone) so lets just be patient and hope for them to keep working on this awesome server :)


    this is just my oppinion if you wanna close this treath that's ok i just wanted to point that out :D

    • Upvote 2
  4. lol a morning picture ewe i was sleepy as hell because i spend all the night playing luna hehehe



    and yeah don't mind that post it note it's just a note to myself to make me feel good when i look at it hahaha 

  5. well PK means PLAYER KILL it is as the name says killing players on any map that allows pk to work. (lvl40+ maps) so when you use the ability you can kill players with no duel request (they become a target like monsters, but you also become a target to every other player. when you kill another player you get pk points (those are not a prize as they give you experience loss if you die) the more players you kill the more pk points you get (they'll vanish over time) if you want to fight other players i reccomend dueling or the pvp map but the pk is really dangerous because for example if you kill a lot of players and you get like 300 or 400 pk points if somebod kill you you'll lose a lot of XP even if you have protection scrolls. it is a good way to delevel a character bt nothing else.


    about the kynee i don't really understand why it doesn't work on you do you have it on when you try to use the skill? is the character idle when you try to use it? maybe if you try to take it off and then take the skill off your hot bar and then put the hat on again and drag the skill to the hot bar i'm not really sure about this one :C

  6. hi it's me again >x<! sorry if i ask too many things i just want to be sure of stuff like this (i did read the rules but they doesn't explained it)

    it's about KS like the title says,


    so i was helping a friend and a stranger to get gold on nera harbor (they were both lvl 80-) so i was walking around killing things and we happen to see this guy fighting one eyed wookies (then i just stop and my team too but we didn't attacked his monster. (i just watched him fight it) he had down wookie's hp only like 15% and then he died and wookie came to attack us and then i kill it :/ is that ks? that player seemed to think i did KSed him


    i just wanna be sure because i don't wanna KS or break any rule so the next time i'll just run away n_n thanks for the attention

  7. i don't really understand how does the pk leveling works but i have a character that is 108 right now that i always delevel with pk (i get into a naked pk rampage and let other players kill me) to hunt at nera harbor so i was wondering if that's illegal i don't want to break the rules i'm just not sure. if it's illegal then i won't do it again. if it's not then i guess i'll keep doing it :3 thanks for the attention :) 

  8. well as the title says i want to make an elf character but i'm not sure about the job and path i should aim for :c (just because elfs are so cute and humans ugly) so any tip on this? thanks in advance for the help :)

  9. hi well answering to your questions the first thing about the drop rate may be because for some lazy people is not high enough to get very rare items but i think that if it were that easy to get rare stuff the economy in game would be very messed up (more than it is now) now about the economy if you're just starting and don't have any character that is lvl 105 you may feel like the prices are just too crazy (some things worth even 25 billions) but once you reach that lvl by DDing or just killing tons of stuff you'll feel that everything is cool now because you'll be able to hunt at nera harbor where monsters drop weapons that are worth 1-3m so in one day of farming you'll get about 1b (a full day) or more. and yeah you can dlevel just letting monstas kill you xD or going onto a naked PK rampage to get deleveled by other players hahaha 




    i missed one lol well the comunity is pretty straight but there are a few good persons out there, expect to see a lot of people begging for costumes and gold (don't mind them most of them already have lots of stuff they just want free things) don't expect everyone willing to give you a hand but there are a few persons who will do it gladly also some people that don't even give you buffs ewe it's like everywhere not everyone is a good person. 

  10. Tu contraseña puede ser cambiada por cualquiera que tiene acceso a tu cuenta, es por eso que no deberías contarle a nadie tu id/contraseña.

    oh entiendo :) fue mi error por dar la password a alguien, tenia esa duda de si se podia cambiar n_n gracias por la respuesta

  11. this is so hard for me because there are a bunch of animes that helped me a lot through my childhood so i'll pick 5 XD


    1: great teacher onizuka


    3: evangelion (the first ending helped me a lot)


    now the extras xD


    4: kyou kara maou

    5:junjou romantica

    6:twelve kingdoms

  12. just turn down the antivirus while it downloads and then when it does add it to the exceptions so it doesn't bother you anymore with it (it doean't have any virus) you can check the guides on the guides section for more info :)

  13. si alguien conoce tu contraseña la puede cambiar? tengo esa duda por que no puedo entrar a una antigua cuenta que tenia con mi character "maraike" en ella y no se por que si yo siempre uso la misma password u_u quizas no me acuerdo pero creo que alguien me la cambio

  14. i guess it deppends on the armor you want but i got my +12 armors for like 6-8b a piece (gardener set) with nice philos and reinforce so i guess that deppends on the kind of armor and the stat (the ones you are looking for are way more expensive like 8-10b i guess) 

    • Upvote 1
  15. Not providing your ID or any character names isn't helpful as we are not psychic and cannot guess it!


    PS: you can always send it through a PM if you don't want to make it public.

    yeah :3 i didn't wanted to give them public i'll send you a pm thanks

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