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Posts posted by Maribel

  1. ^ You're very pretty!




    Below: This picture is from Tinychat, anyone who wants to join us should go to #breakdown on IRC if you want to know when we're going to go hang out there. We have lots of fun :lol: 


    RainbowDash on the left, [anonymous] in the middle, me on the right. 



    *NOTE: Please take a moment to appreciate Gary's fabulous pink robe.

     I am SOOO joining this!!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Maybe they could lower the voting requirement so it's kind of like this:


    Level 105ish-119 - or something like this - get 2 GP per vote and level 120+ get 3-4 GP per vote? I don't know if it's possible for it to work that way, but it would help players start accumulating GP at an earlier level.


    There are flaws with this idea (such as 120+ people getting even more benefits than lower players) but it's a start, I think it would help at the very least.


    • Upvote 1
  3. I really feel like this is a bad time to suggest something considering there's a lot going on with the server at this current time. But I want to get it out as it's still fresh in my head. So I apologize for that.

    As everyone is aware, prices in game of Celestia Luna has sky rocketed up, due to the change in the level requirement to vote online.
    For an example, %100 EXP scrolls used to only be 75m each. As the level requirement to vote changed, now %100 EXP scrolls are $130 - $150m each; & that's if you're lucky the seller isn't over pricing. Now, not to mention it takes up a good amount of the individuals time to level to 120, (that's the level requirement to vote for those who didn't already know.) 
    Then on top of that, when you vote you're only getting 2 gold points each vote, making it 4 gold points a day. 
    An item such as the Blessed Pukerian's scroll is 40 gold points, so that would take 10 days to get the item, when the average player needs at least 5 to enchant their item to +12.
    So, 5 pukes would equal to 50 days of voting, while you still have the penalty to level to 120.
    Doesn't that seem a bit much? @ . @

    I understand that there were players abusing the voting privilege, which is understandable to implement such rule; but however I am suggesting with keeping the level limit to 120, instead of 4 gold points each day, maybe raise it up to 6, or however much you'd feel is necessary. That is my suggestion. 

    Thank you, & good day. Muaaaaah.hi.gif

    -Maribel :*


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  4. I tend to flirt a lot with people myself..
    and I say people cause I also do this with females. I'm totally straight though hehe.)

    I flirt in a non-serious way & I try to make it as obvious as possible that it's all jokes. I am such a weird and perverted person, so that is how I play around.
    So it's .. flirting but... not flirting? Because I'm not seriously trying to flirt, it's just me being stupid. Sometimes I think that people don't realize I'm just kidding, and actually think I'm being a horn dog & flirt with anything that breathes. Which isn't the case.. at all. My friends that know me well now at this point, have all gotten used to this and how I act .. Which I'm fine with too. But sometimes I still get called rude things because of this. Meeeerp.

    • Upvote 3
  5. i wasn't aware it was duck hunting season already




    that's a duckface. this is just how I smile, lol. so screw offffffff. haha

    but i'll give some more 'normal' pictures just for you.  c:

    8be7ae8c-9d5c-4c9c-96f7-b55a5f272cda.jpg  7d1cce94-46cc-4d75-97b6-90d8a156cbcc.jpg


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