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Posts posted by johnpuarossi

  1. Edited 2021

    1. How long have you been playing?

    6 7 years ish, since 2012, I stopped in 2017, but here I am again, back since November 2020
    2. What is your highest level in Celestia Luna?

    Level 150
    3. If you've reach the top, how does if feels like?

    I have not
    4. Does gaming adds value to your life? What are those?

    It does. It’s always been important whether CL or other games. 
    RO was my first mmorpg, then I switched to console for NBA live, RE3, F1, Gran Turismo, NFL, Fight Night, lots of sports games. Right now back and forth between console and laptop.

    The last game I finished was The Last of Us. Right now I’m still finding time and enthusiasm to start TLOU2, RDR2, Uncharted 4, RE 2 & 3 remake, FF7 remake, Spidey GOTY, and Gran Turismo Sport.

    I very much enjoy playing overcooked and NBA 2K every now and then
    5. What are the reasons you keep on playing?
    Helps me focus irl gives me warmth idk 
    6. If this is just for fun, does your real life don't have any fun in it that leads you to looking for fun in a digital world?

    IRL is fine, but gaming has always been there on the side since I was younger
    7. Does gaming really makes sense?

    I think to each their own, everyone has their own different things that are making sense to themselves. To me, yes, gaming makes sense
    8. If you will be given a chance to Reset all the time that you've spent playing? Would you use it or not?
    I’d like to redo the time when I purposely deleted a fisher w/o realizing it had 8b with it OMG, but overall no - LOL this was my answer in 2016

    Today, I’d like to not have sold my level 100-115 ish items at the time when I started playing again 😭
    9. What is your main purpose and goal in playing this game?

    To not get crabby irl?

    • Upvote 1
  2. This has always been the disadvantage of long range character users during duels. Because if you spam your skill before the duel time begins, your character will do a normal attack before casting the skill.

    I hope there will be an option to turn on/off normal attacks.

    Thank you.

    try to not get too close from the get go, and theres no need to spam, idk why ppl wud think spamming will give them the first hit, noooo, u just time it, click it immediately after the 0 disappear

    • Upvote 1
  3. So i was on [removed] during the beta test and a week into open beta. i did try to google if there was a luna private server and had no luck. But did stumble upon this.

    i got a few questions. i never played the original reborn.

    what is the difference between this and the other luna. dont need info like the x150% xp ect.

    if i do play on this server will i find players to play with. I dont like it that i will be like the only lvl 1 trying to lvl with no party bc everyone is at lvl 150 ect.

    pm Zatanna I'd be happy make new char with you and walk you through the game and share everything I know, just leave your in-game name here
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