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Everything posted by RinChie

  1. 12/02/12 1. EzRah 2. JakeCuenca <3 3. Enthusiasm 4. Msmikhaela 5. bahalakagirl (katamaran o kaartehan nyu 6. RinChie
  2. 11/30/2012 1. bahalakagirl 2. EzRah :lol: 3. Msmikhaela 4. Enthusiasm 5. RinChie
  3. 11/28/2012 1.Clouds 2. Msmikhaela 3. Enthusiasm 4. RinChie
  4. try this. Go to Luna folder delete the file celestiapatch (1kb) and then click again the Lunaclient. It will patch again, then start! hope it will work. Gambatte~
  5. Taking risk? -_-"

  6. 11/24/12 1. Enthusiasm 2. theboxc 3. RinChie
  7. 11/23/12 1. ASI0NG 2. theboxc 3. RinChie
  8. 11/19/12 1.Msmikhaela 2. RinChie
  9. 11/18/12 1.Msmikhaela 2. RinChie
  10. 11/17/2012 1. theboxc. 2. Msmikhaela 3. EzRah 4. RinChie
  11. 11/15/15 1. msmikhaela 2. RinChie
  12. I made a post >< haha chck page 17. xD
  13. my turn again. messy laptop desk. O_O
  14. 11/12/12 1. theboxc 2. RinChie
  15. 11/11/12 1. Cj Prich 2. thebox 3. EzRah
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