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♬~★ Neige Ciel ★~♬

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Posts posted by ♬~★ Neige Ciel ★~♬

  1. tumblr_m9gcv6So5s1qzckow.gifHallo there! I'm not new here, since I've played before.. But it was a VERY long time ago, so I don't even remember any of my logins, which made me make a new one. tumblr_m9gckikmxf1qzckow.gif Oh well, back to my introduction!~ ♥ You can call me Neige, Ciel, or Hina (A name of mine from a different game), or anything random you may think of! I'm 15 years old, which is still quite young, and I'm a sophomore (10th grade) in high school.~ tumblr_m9gckz0sJR1qzckow.gif


    When I graduate, I want to go to college for art, focusing on visual art.. I would love to be an animation artist, or possibly a mangaka, but I've heard it's really hard to do.. I shall not let that crush my spirits though!!!~ My only other option would be a musical career; I play the Alto Saxophone, and only that.

    (My baby Nonoko would get angry if she saw me with another instrument..)

    I think that's about it.. My IGN is Neige, and I'm a rogue so far.

    tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow.gif Me and my emoticons love you all.~ ♥ SAYONARA MY SWEET TARTS.

    (I'm too happy, LOL.)

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