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Posts posted by Curasa

  1. xD I had the same problem as you (I still do!)

    I just started playing a week~2 weeks ago again since I haven't played Luna in years!

    Decent equips? I use shop whites till lv 80 where I got some rares off someone for cheap! :D

    For me, all I did was just upgrade my whites to +7 and philo it (although you don't have to).

    Remember to use protection scrolls!

    As far as I know I don't think there's a way to sell more than one slot of items at a time. :L

    Dagger? Hmm. Well I'm not so familiar with rogues but it also depends on what your race is.

    I think humans are more daggers and tend towards STR more, and elves tend to bows and DEX.

    Go to the guilds section. I'm sure there are a lot of guilds there which speak English.

    Personally I haven't found myself one yet. :L

    Gold can be hard to make at the beginning and I barely had 25m on my 105 Cardianal. I really stuffed up.

    Someone helped me though.

    There's a guide in the forums somewhere about making money on Celestia Luna. If not just go on google and type "How to make gold on Celestia Luna Online" or something.

    1: You can grind monsters for exp and (because we have x50 gold rate) you get lots of gold at the same time too.

    2: Sell your drops. Usually sell your greens, blues and reds. :D

    3: Craft. This is for people who already have at least 5 million gold already. You can craft HQ gems (e.g. HQ rubies or HQ sapphires). Making 1 slot (100 pieces) cost only around 3~4million and you can sell each slot for 6million or more. Usually people sell for 7 ~ 8 million per slot.

    ^_^ If you need any more help just note me or whisper me when I'm online.

    My name is Curasa ingame too!

    Good luck!

    • Upvote 1
  2. LOL! "is it possible to plvl someone in CL" hahah.

    well, i think 10 more gap levels. if the other player is 10-level gap to you

    xD Haha. Idk some games you can't exactly plvl people at all. Haha.

    What about Date Dungeon? Say if I was lv 95 and he was level 60 - 70. Would he still get exp in DD?




  4. ಠ_ಠ




    (╬ノಠ益ಠ)ノ~ ┻━┻



    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    ◕3◕ See my other post for the table flip.

    (づ。◕‿‿‿◕。)づ <--- That is just absolutely adorable.

  5. Not sure. ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

    Well, what I'd do is make sure they're aware (if they speak English or understand it) that I am a AoEing here and say sorry in advanced if you KS.

    Not sure how effective that would be considering there are a lot of Pinoy/Indo/Malay players here. (」゜ロ゜)」

    Otherwise, just move away or change channel. Just keep doing it.

    Find another spot.


    It is better to move away and avoid trouble than to get banned!

  6. AFK = Away From Keyboard

    Theres a lot of words that they used to call items or equipments that has long names.You can find that a lot at the MarketPlace(NH 3)

    Oh, I would have thought they would be common knowledge (then again my bf doesn't know what aoe is haha!)

    Thank you :D I'll add those too.

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