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Posts posted by Luciasky

  1. If GM Reid knows that, then he should have told GM Gary to unban you and how did you know if GM Reid knows that you're not guilty?

    I followed the "event Tournament level 120" made ​​by GM reid.

    and when I'm done fighting. I will AFK in NV. and when it is no news that I did RMT. my questions when i do RMT ?

    my char afk in NV. after tournament PVP 120.

    I need GM Reid or Staff .. check DATA BASE MY ID.

  2. I am not a GM but if you don't know it's illegal, then it's your own fault because you have to read the rules before you play. Not having the rules in your knowledge doesn't excuse you from the rules and also, even if you donate(or as you say, cash loader), you can't get your account back. Once an account is banned, it will always be banned. The only way to be unbanned is if the GM banned you made a mistake or your ban duration is over but in your case, it's permanent ban. You have to live with your punishment.

    before I play I read the rules.I've been playing Celestia 2 years

    I was never against the rules. I want GM or staff check data base my id. What am I guilty?

    because MY ID always AFK in NV.

    GM REID know it, But he never online...

    any GM online ?

  3. shoutbot> User xalda59 banned for reason 'RMT (acct:borces79) [GaryMcNabb]'

    shoutbot> User xalda76 banned for reason 'RMT (acct:borces79) [GaryMcNabb]'

    I do not understand the GM Gary.

    Gary said I do RMT, whereas my ID always afk in NV ...

    GM gary might be wrong about that. GM or staf can check data base my ID. whether I wrong or not. I always afk in NV.

    please can help me ? I'm innocent

    GM Reid know it

  4. GM garry why not, wise in taking something decision.

    GM reid. always wise in every way ..

    where GM reid.??? I want to complain about the fate of my ID

    id: xalda59 and ID: xalda76

  5. I do not understand the GM Gary.

    Gary said I do RMT, whereas my ID always afk in NV ...

    why you banned my id.

    maybe. my ID getting banned. Because It Caused me to play one IP with people breaking the rules.

    I play at the net cafe.

    am I wrong play in net cafe?

    I do not have a PC

    I always follow the rules and always respect the admin. GM.

    what is my fault?

    sorry i cant speaking english.. maybe my friend in indonesian can translate.. :D


    ID:xalda76 and ID: Xalda59

  6. curhat... kenapa GM ga bijaksana.. saya seperti budak di perlakukan raja'a semua'a

    saya belum pernah melanggar aturan CL. tapi kenapa kena banned.. gara" saya maen di warnet..

    saya akuii saya ga pnya PC seperti kalian..

    tapi salahkah saya maen di warnet :( sedih

    ID: Xalda76 < Char perang

    ID:Xalda59 < mau bikin cardi

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