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Posts posted by ebito

  1. nope blazing body is not an int skill... and if you want to make an int fighter you shouldn't pick a job that give you blazing body coz the job that give blazing body only boost your p.atk so it's useless for int fighter... int fighter job path is so specific you can only go fighter - guard - infantryman - phalanx - crusader...

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  2. just want to say that your recomended equip is not for beginner... how in the world that a beginner can get their hand on vestige or gemini or castor or other rare drop...  why don't you explain how those beginner can farm efectively with their basic equip so they can get the gold to buy those expensive eq that you recomended...

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  3. its not about ok or not but its more like are u having fun playing it... all path is good as long ur having fun...

    but for more versatile build u should go mage-wiz-monk-bishop-grandmaster... with this build u get higher p.def, more buff, and more importantly shrewd spell for faster casting speed...

  4. Pada suatu hari di Kebun Binatang, sepasang couple sedang mesum. Tapi mereka tidak melakukan hal yang benar. Mereka hanya sebatas mengencani para binatang yang ada di sana yang salah satunya buaya. Namun disekitar kolam buaya, terdapat ikan bernama StarlReaver yang ganteng banget seperti yang ada dibalik jamban disebelah kanan yang berbentuk seperti apa yg ia lihat. StarlReaver terlihat sedang tidur dengan lucunya. Walaupun dia mengompol, dan boker dicelana dalamnya yang berwarna pink terlapisi popok unyu. Hal itu tidak membuatnya malu dan malah menetupi nya dengan bungkus kacang goreng Untuk diberikan kepada Syn yang didalamnya terdapat sesosok makhluk astral yang membuat keadaan aneh bin ajaib. Makhluk ini dapat mengeluarkan sinar yang menyebabkan BISUL pada seluruh pantat dan

  5. with outside buff inqu will get higher deff buff... coz bishop lvl 6 buff will be nullified by cardinal lvl 8 buff...

    i dont know the exact number but inqu - necro will get lvl 6 armor link + lvl 8 shield buff + lvl 10 devil armor + lvl 6 pet shield buff + lvl 3 magnus shield aura

    and monk - bishop - necro will get lvl 4 armor link + lvl 8 shield + lvl 10 devil armor + lvl 6 pet shield + lvl 3 shield aura...

    its clear that inqu will get higher deff with higher lvl armor link... and inqu has higher HP to from higher lvl enhance hp and bless vital... not forgeting higher crit... the only thing inqu loosing from bishop is just shrewd spell and higher heal

  6. but if all the skill is working right blade taker have another stun skill called sudden raid... when shield boomerang only had 80% stun chance sudden raid got 100% chance with higher dmg and longer duration...

  7. itu vocer nya fisik apa elektrik yg di print... kl fisik ya komplen nya ke wavegame nya... kl print-an coba aja komplen ke tempat beli nya sapa tau ada hurup ato angka yg salah dr sananya biar yg jual komplen ke sono nya...

  8. Just a quick question about the HC. When you buy them in the Item Mall, do you get a stack x100 of the HC gem or do you just get 1x the Gem?. It seems a bit of a silly question, but I ask it because the gems are really valuable in game.


    HC in celestia is not a gem ur not using reinforce skill to use it...

  9. Pada suatu malam yang dingin bisul pergi berlayar mencari ikan. Tetapi ada seorang wanita yang menumpang di belakang perahunya yaitu, seekor paus wanita yang sedang berusaha mendapatkan kekuatan bisul yang sangat hebat.Paus itu langsung menciumnya sehingga kekuatannya menjadi tambah besar dan bisul pun berubah menjadi

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