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Everything posted by ebito

  1. if u selling ur account than it illegal... bu if ur just getting paid for killing ur self i think thats fine...
  2. u can still get item drop from monster 15 lvl below u but the chances to get rare drop is just to low... the chances is higher with lower lvl char...
  3. use lower lvl char... it only takes an hour or less to make lvl 60 char...
  4. ebito

    P/M.Attack +19?

    HC act like a philo but not realy a philo... HC can only be used on necklace, belt, ring or earing...
  5. ebito

    [ask] Hunt Mantis

    kl gw emang cuman buat hunt... never interested in pvp or war...
  6. ebito

    [ask] Hunt Mantis

    lah kan nanyanya buat hunt di mantis... emang magnus int ga cocok buat pvp ama war, tp kl pvp bisa maen RI + spirit sword ga bisa kill yg penting annoying, kl war bisa buat suport healer... kan bikin char bukan cuman buat pvp ama war doang troy sapa ya??... gw terinspirasi ama thread ini ... cuman ngikutin path nya doang
  7. ebito

    [ask] Hunt Mantis

    magnus int... cuman make holy avanger ama heal aja... kill juga ga lama... fighter-guard-infantry-phalanx-magnus... eq mirip kaya eq mage cuman bedanya make athena 2bj sama 1set holy iron int...
  8. hunt di nera harbor... tas penuh eq bisa dpt 100m lebih...
  9. with avast just go to the virust chest and restore lunaclient.exe to its original place... but u must put celetia luna folder to exclution first... its because the latest avast update... yesterday update i think... if u want to change ur AV its a choice to but never never turn off ur AV
  10. directX lu yg versi brp kl yg lama coba instal directX versi paling baru...
  11. coba masukin folder tempat instal celestia luna nya ke exclusion anti virus lu baru reinstal...
  12. gw ga pernah beli barang dr item shop pake gold... kl ga vote ya pake pp... wkwkwkwkwkwk...
  13. yang pasti vocer 10k dpt 11pp... jd 1pp tu kurang dari Rp.1000... kl harga gold nya gw ga tau... wkwkwkwkwk... vestige 1set kl ga salah 160pp...
  14. gw aja ampe ga keitung uda pernah bikin brp char... yg lumayan jd baru 2 magnus int sama pure SA...
  15. emang harga lu brp... ini private server global lg orang indo ga maen masih banyak orang malaysia thiland filipin amerika inggris yg maen... gw rasa malah kl orang indo yg maen dikit makin tertib ni server... wkwkwkwk 90% yg di ban gw liat2 tu orang indo doang... ia orang2 kaya lu yg bisanya cuman ngerengek doang tp ga mau ikutin aturan yg punya rumah...
  16. dia malah bingung... uda paling bener cobain aja semua private server ini exp 150x...
  17. wew miss angel ampe ngamuk... udah kl lu bener ga salah pindah warnet trus maen ulang... id lu di jamin ga bakal balik... kl mau marah marah aja ama yg punya id angga kenapa dia langgar rules luna... kl gw jadi lu uda gw hajar tu yg punya id angga... itu kl bener lu ga punya salah... wwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
  18. coba aja di bikin masing2 1... trus di rasain yg enak yg mana...
  19. p.atk is ur dmg doesnt mater if ur just normal hitting or skilling... if u got high crit with out p.atk u can never get high dmg... but if u can get high p.atk with high crit ur dmg will be awesome...
  20. bishop got turn undead lvl 5 not holy taker... in bishop u could take support role max all buff till u turn SA...
  21. u dont have to turn of ur A-V... just put celestialuna folder to exclusion... so ur A-V wont scan that folder...
  22. ebito


    i only got amd athlon x2 6400 and no lag running 3 client... check for malware or viruses that run on the background... those guys drain ur memory...
  23. ebito


    it depends on ur connection and pc... im fine opening 3 client at once... its not necessary to use all that exp booster... only if ur not patient enough...
  24. cari lah ... tu nera castle ch 1 ama 3 pasar... kl ga ada ya teriak2 lah... dropan momon kebanyakan polos... hasil craft pasti polos... ga mungkin kan dropan momon uda langsung +12 philo dewa + rein bagus...
  25. kl mau irit ya beli yg polosan aja trus tempa sendiri... kl gw sih lebih puas gitu... gardener set polos paling ga nyampe 1b... kl pinter nawar 500m juga dpt itu gardener set polos... trus tempa sendiri... kl hoki lu gede bisa dpt eq dewa harga murah bgt...
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