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Posts posted by ebito

  1. u got hacked not the server... so its not their responsibility... people that got hacked usually the one that stupid enough to share their id or even stupider to open those scam web or worst leaving their id logon when leaving an internet shop or this one is funny lending some unknown guy ur item and that gus disapear... dont deny this u must be doing 1 of this thing so ur id got hacked...

  2. wizardry itu self buff mana bisa di kasiin ke orang laen... gw di buff int lvl 5 ama inqu matk naek 14k...gmana kl di kasi int lvl 8 ya + orpheus wkwkwkwkwk... tp gw males nyari2 orang buat minta buff... self buff aja uda lancar farming mantis...

  3. u can... but u can only enter the 1-20 room i guess... coz ur other char cant enter other room... i think if u want to solo dd create a sacrifice char thats lvl 81 or more...

  4. 12k is self buff with pet lvl 6 int... only got +10 int in each of my holy set, clean farouk and heart evil set, clean DS spell, health worm, and panda costume, still hasn't got a gemini yet

    still long way to go to a complete set... want to balance my m.atk and def...

    wandering with full vit stat and full int + m.atk set... how much m.atk and def i will get...

  5. 1-5 = gate of alker (5 menit bunuh 1 momon aja )

    5-20 = ruin of draconian ( paling lama 20 menit)

    20-30 = tarintus (paling lama 30 menit)

    30-40 = moon blind forest = lawan lava golem (paling lama 30 menit)

    40-55 = way to howling ravine = 40-45 lawan basilik 45-55 lawan abandoned giant (30 menit -1jam tergantung seberapa cepet kill nya)

    55-65 = howling ravine = lawan rageful cyclops (30 menit - 1 jam tergantung seberapa cpet kill nya)

    65-80 = howling cave = 65-71 lawan ogre butcher 71-75 lawan ogre guard 75-80 ogre shaman (1 -1,5 jam )

    80-90 = valley of fairies = lawan treant (1-2 jam )

    90-105 = DD aja pake exp 100% sama 10% (2 set DD (20x))

    waktu hunt nya cuman perkiraan doang jgn di jadiin patokan tp ga jauh2 lah dr segitu...

    kl di modalin pasti kuat hunt di spot2 itu 2 hari nyampe lah 105... semoga membantu...

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