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Posts posted by rukiakuchiki

  1. did you create a character then delete and character with the same name? i experience that before.


    try go create new char with different name. and lets see

    no, create a character and a few name already used. is that have influence too?

    and i've tried create a new character but still the same. 

  2. how's your internet connection? can you surf the web fast? if yes, its on the server

    my connection is pretty good. i try to play another game and it goes well.

    so, whats wrong with the server? gettin lil bit annoyed with this trouble  :unsure:

  3. when i play cl about 10 minutes, I have always disconnected from server

    this is happened since yesterday. i think the server is down. but today i try again and still same as yesterday.

    i've delete the celestia patch, and install it too. but still happen.

    why? please help me  :unsure:
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