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Posts posted by StarStruck

  1. Those sound good! Can anyone give a recipe so that I could try? I googled the dishes but it's all in Indo and I don't trust Google translate.

  2. You go to town to buy some materials for crafting and someone is following you, doesn't say anything he just follows your low level char. Waits until you start buying the materials and when the little window of "are you sure you want to buy this?" appears he sends a pk invite. Now usually the pk invite is under the other window so for those that have normal mouses they can just click ignore, however, my mouse is a little old and it double-clicks at times. The first, second and third time I was able to click ignore(he was stubborn) but on the forth time my mouse double-clicked and I DIED. Who in their right mind kills a healer char? One would normally want to make friends with healer char not pk them.

  3. I was going to click yes too when they did that to me on my first time but my other game experiences told me that I should read first since I didn't knew much about the game. I too though that they wouldn't kill a lvl 1 char but apparently they do here.

  4. But I have both a PS2 emulator and console and they both work just fine. However it only works fine on my more advanced computer, maybe those people have an older computer?

  5. INSYNC  and backstreet boys(you may vocally say that you hate them but somewhere deep inside you're still singing their songs)

  6. I don't think a newbie would even know about gold begging or who to beg to. Heck it took me until my second char to figure out how to chat in game and by then I figured I din't need to beg because I could make my own darn gold. Personally I think it's good etiquette in any mmo to act like you would normally in front of strangers in real life. You don't go around begging for money(if you own a computer to play an mmo) to starngers in real life, you go and earn it like the rest of us.

  7. Hello! I've recently heard that most players in luna are from Indonesia. Since I like being friendly with random people and people are at their most comfortable speaking their own language I decided to learn the basics of their language. However, whats the use of learning a language if you don't know anything about it's culture. A great example is when I first learned American English and when to the US. I was great at speaking and writing the language but one day an American boy said "will you go out with me?" not knowing anything about the American culture I thought that boy meant that he wanted to physically go out somewhere after school. Back then I was a really busy kid so I said to him "Not now, I'm really busy. Maybe this weekend, depends on the amount of homework I get." Although I've read about America and it's culture from textbooks, the books I've read said nothing about this kind of stuff. So yes, I did broke a kid's heart without intending to and yes it was a boy that I liked. I found out, 2 years after the incident, what"going out" really meant.


    Anyways I need the help ofthe natives to Indonesia to tell me the stuff that isn't found in textbooks. Tell me about your folklore, food, music, the hard stuff to understand in your language(example in English it's normal to say "I love my couch". A Spanish speaking person will be wierded out by you ans say "you want to f**k yo couch?") and throwing in some random facts wont hurt either.


    Decided to update to see if the things I've learned today are legit, if they aren't please do tell.



    ​Reads about Indonesian politics, reaction: "Wow, your vote ACTUALLY counts! We don't have direct voting here in the States, it's such a shame that you guys had to go through some tough governmental revamping for a LONG time. Your government only spends 4% of it's budget on defense? Pretty cool, the US spends 48% of it's budget in defense."


    Reads about the economy, reaction: "Not bad, Indonesians really took the bull by it's horns and took care of their economic crisis (it's still not perfect but it's way better now). Heck it's even estimated that within the next decade your economy will be among the top ten countries."


    Reads about the culture and it's influences, reaction:*head explodes*"2..200 different ethnic groups each one with it's own language/dialect and culture. The good news is that the culture/language has influences with English and Portuguese  but the bad news is that it has strong influences with the Dutch(which was the hardest language I've ever encountered). No, no negative thoughts! Nobody ever accomplishes anything brooding over how hard something is, you can do this! I'll just learn the official language and learn mostly the Javanesse culture since half of the population in Indonesia lives in Java.


    Reads about the food, reaction:"If you replace the chili with sugar and chicken with pork every other common ingredient used in Indonesian cuisine is exactly like Puerto Rico's. They are both essentially rice served with a piece of meat and sides, only that Indonesia's spicy while Puerto Rico's is sweet(sometimes a little too sweet).

    Looks at pictures of Indonesian people, reaction: small children "AAAWWW! I wanna have Indonesian babies! They are so adorable!", women "They're pretty, haven't seen one that looks average yet.", men " There are some guys that look amazing but there's also guys that look ok.", and old people "For some strange reason they look like they'd be fun to hang out with."


    Overall impression, Indonesia is a country full of people who can get things done, have awesome food,  experienced a horrible past but can get over it with good results and even though it still has  some issues they're diminishing them every year. So in the words of Yoda if he knew about Indonesia "Worth it is, to learn from them."

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  8. I do one of three things

    1.Stare at them mindlessly until they creep out (they'll never come near you again)

    2. Say "so" after every statement they say (they'll tire out eventually)

    3.Talk down about yourself with them (this just sucks the fun out for them and immensely confuses them)

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