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Posts posted by setheo

  1. we are SM job, and i try duel with my partner with same connections ( playing at my house ) and always lose to her.

    we use same skill, sonic boom and rune impact,diferent pa about 200-300 only and we are same job and race,,

    for costume we use shini glove, but she didnt lean swd rapidly and i did,

    and we try duel again, boom!!!!

    she still more faster than me with same skill

    is my char got bugged or something??


    btw sorry for bad english :P

  2. we know some job has a fast skill like burning crash,sonic boom,shield boomerang and the others.

    but im always hit first with same skill,,

    how we can make those skill more faster??

    thx before ^_^

  3. sniper bug skill? What I remember is Passive, Musket Training, Scoop Accuracy, and Scoop Range...

    (I guess I'm too old, I forgot the name of skills) =w="

    too bad :(

    i wanna wake one but too much bugged on skills :unsure:

  4. it appears fighter counterpart of rogue's sniper , panzer is bugged too :

    musket training does not increase ur damage

    musket skill doesn't have icon

    it may be that panzer's range is shorter than sniper . possibly a bug

    hmmm you said before " kneeling fire are only thing bugged"

    how about passive and buff???


    thx before ^^

  5. sniper's skills are working except for applying debuffs. However their damage right now is lower than other jobs.


    Snipers and Panzers will get their skills fixed and reviewed in the coming patches.

    lower than other job,,

    i must abandone my plan ahahahaha

  6. Only the skills you learn as a sniper can be used with muskets, bow skills can't be used with muskets.


    Guns don't get any craft bonuses right now.

    wew, thats might be bad :'(

    anyway, its really only one skill are still bugged right?

    cuz i wanna try this job ^^

  7. only thing are bugged are '' kneeling fire " ( although , it still causes damage but the debuff is not . same cases as soul arbiter's skill : soul spear is present , both these skill's debuff are bugged )


    is that so,,

    can i using double shot can be used for musket?

    and why if im crafting musket, i didnt get any craft bonus?? like str dex and the other


    thx for answed

  8. sip manfat gan.. makasih banyak ye..

    btw kmren pernah ngeliat fhoto dari detail skill dual wield mastery. .mengenai pinalty yg diperoleh di level tertentu.. 

    dmn ia.. lupa hhee..


    okedeh kejar tayang dlu kalo gitu :D

    karena gak bisa kirim gakbar ane ketik aja

    level 1 pa -37,5 crit -450 eva -50

    level 2 pa -34,73 crit -415 eva -45

    level 3 pa -31,96 crit -380 eva -40

    level 4 pa -29,19 crit -345 eva -35

    level 5 pa -26,42 crit -310 eva -30

    level 6 pa -23,65 crit -275 eva -25

    level 7 pa -20,88 crit -240 eva -20

    level 8 pa -18,11 crit -205 eva -15

    level 9 pa -15,34 crit -170 eva -10

    level10 pa -12,57 crit -135 eva -5


    *untuk TM sampai lv 5

    **untuk BT sampai lv10

    ***untuk penalty pa entah persentasi ato bukan masih misteri XD

  9. on the first level 105, you may not Dual Wielding on that early levels...

    so you need to use Two Handed for levelings until you get level 117 and change to Dual Wield :)

    the reason I choose Guard> Mercenary> Knight> Swordmaster:

    -Guard has Passive skill max. HP level 10

    -Mercenary still have that Passive Sword Critical (I forgot the name)

    -Knight not just has level 15 Heavy Armor Expertise, but we must always keep on mind that Knight also has buff Blessing Guard level 5, Solid Weapon, Weapon Synchro, Armor Synchro, and also Buff Auto Regen

    (sorry, I'm forgot too much skill names, it seems I'm too old as Guider for this game) XD

    Edit: anymore Questions, perhaps?

    excuse me, i have a little bit question about skills

    use mencenary knight, you'll get solid weapon,swd/axe/mace training lv 15,rage burst lv 2(crit damage 18%) risk taker lv 4

    and then infantry gladi, you did'nt get solid weapon, but you get swd/axe/mace training lv 20,risk taker lv 6 and rage burst lv 4(crit damage 21%)

    so which one be better?

    sorry for bad english XD

  10. ohh jadi gtu ya mas caranya

    tapi char saya udah terlanjur learn skill dual wield

    jadi eva,crit,dex nya turun

    jadi harus di reskill ya biar jadi pake 1 dagger lagi?

    alternatif laen km bisa philo eq sampe 280+ kalo lving di nh, 380++ di grave

    smakin skill dualnya up,, crit,dex,eva n p.a bakal naik(balik) jga kok

    tm ane pun gak ane reskil,, ttp dual n gak susah hunt nya


  11. berarti hrus pake reskill ya buat reset skil2 yg seblumnya

    tp saya masih belum paham mas item reskill itu fungsinya buat apa?

    reskill buat ngembalikan skill point yg udah kepake buat learn skill,, otomatis skillnya nanti ilang smua,,

    jdi ambil skill yg penting2 saja pas udah di reskill,,

    misal buff,skill pasif,sma aktif skill yg dibilang kk antoni,,

    kalo mau pake dual tunggu lv 120 aja,, biar minusnya gak banyak2,

    kalo nggak, asal eva diatas 280 aman dah buat hunt di NH,,

    itu dari pengalaman ane

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