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The Doctor

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Posts posted by The Doctor

  1. Saat aku bermain, ada orang gila yang sedang berlari sambil ngemil arang dan ingin melompat ke arahku. Aku keluarkan senjata sakti, tetapi dia hanya tenang dan mencoba mengambil upilku yang besar dan berlendir. Aku ingin mengambil kesucian orang gila yang ada di depanku. Namun nasib, malah dia yang di gigit oleh nyamuk unyu-unyu tembem yang berterbangan cepat kedalam hutan belantara Amazon penuh gadis-gadis liar yang suka Boneka Panda Gendut, bau,jelek dan suka mencari keindahan dunia. Hancurnya hatiku melihat wookies selingkuh dengan

  2. I have a problem with vote.

    #1 I vote

    #2 Success

    #3 Dun get GP

    Ex: My gp now 10, vote (It should be 14) But still 10. Why? -,-

  3. What I meant was


    1. Instead of MELLE, use skills (so that your character doesn't physically hit the monster)

    2. Use AoE's if available

    3. Use ranged skills mostly (Sonic boom or whatever)


    Or yes, your interpretation, click the monster ONCE and use skill, then move back so your character doesn't attack the mob without a skill.


    If you need more help feel free to message me!

    Oh okay thanks, my main ign is ... you know :v

  4. Same happens to me mate. Just recently noticed that after a while it gets fixed, and usually I don't disconnect in "crowded" channels lol. Try not to physically attack (double click) the mobs and just use skills on it, worked for me :P


    Also try to disable the system messages for most of the stuff, could help, you never know. Make sure your antivirus (E.G Kaspersky in my example) isn't trying to do some "cloud research" on the game as that would slow down the connection between you and the server. 


    Conclusion : Let it go on for a couple of days, eventually it will get fixed, it's most likely the connection between you and the hosting center.

    Did you mean, Click the mobs once, then kill them? Not, click click click click. I'll try, btw thanks :>

  5. Suatu malam ada Kunti bawa anak kecil yang lucu, pintar, rajin menabung.Tetapi anak itu Mirip sekali dengan GoldenDuck yg sekarang sedang sakit jiwa di dalam kubur. Dia akan dibawa oleh seorang yang bernama Austere untuk dinobatkan menjadi seorang Penyanyi Cilik bernama Sikut Ang Barendo. Mereka pergi untuk bertemu dengan Wokies

  6. Ugh, I want to ask. Why I always got disconnected while Im hunting?

    I use 2 patch. 1 patch lv 1xx, 1 patch lv 3x.

    Patch lv 1xx luring, then my low level hit my lure. Then my 3x got disconnected, Its happenned 5times :<

  7. ohh and also sir,, i have cardinal lvl 106 and warlock lvl77, my next question is do i need to take cardinals passive skill Enhanced HP? 


    Edit: since i have plenty of sp left coz i didnt take TU and the holy justice

    I guess not, its only spend ur SP :/

    lol why u didnt take TU and holy :|

  8. Paladin get 20 axe training, right?

    Then, SB and sword strom is for sword only, if i take elf paladin and the update is coming, i cant use it right? because i am axe user

    Really? It'll useless? Asdasdfghimposibru -_-

  9. hi there bio,, this guide is very interesting and crushed into my mind,, i will try one.. by the way is this a good build to solo bosses? or cardinal path still better on soloing bosses? thanks before and hope for your reply soon. will really appreciate it.



    Well, SA can solo boss. but i have different method to do so..

    Bio taught me combo to solo boss, but i forget it and i dont like it too xD


    I use this combo :

    1. Angelic breath (to -mdef), ->

    2. Binding soul (95% chance lock for 7 sec if im not wrong) ->

    3. Soul spear - Divine sword (max lvl) - Soul spear

    4. Binding soul (the effect seems to be faded out after you cast that 3 skill and before the mobs released)

    5. Soul spear - Divine sword (max lvl) - Soul spear


    i just do that.when im 115 below.after i get higher lvl of holy justice, i put it like this :

    Soul spear - Divine sword (max lvl) - Soul spear - Holy justice.


    Its my combo, with 95% chance to lock and kill mob. 


    Bio combo have "holy uppercut" in the combo and we know that the mob isnt stunned . its chance they will fight back .

    And depend on your play. I mean, you can use all of mage's job.

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