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Posts posted by luigida25

  1. The only thing I used too many times is the donate button... x) haha


    But yeah, I understand its not you guys, though I thank you for cooperating. Its just very odd that out of nowhere this happens because I have used only 1 single card to donate.


    Thanks for the help you guys! :)

  2. Well, no. It's not from phone, but through the website. You click donate, choose price, and insert your card information. 

    Which by the way, I have donated on Halloween event where it was also double PP points. Donated with ease and without any problems like this. This is just a first for me. I thought I was the only one, but since you stated that there are others that have experienced this issue, then I'll just assume that it's for a normal cause that mostly everyone will go through.. I'm not sure. But!, hopefully, they'll be able to fix the issue so I can donate just in time! :)

  3. I need help donating because every time I try to, this message pops up: Payment system was blocked for you.

    Dear User,

    The verification process we have in place is to combat fraudulent activity and to make sure there are no problems. We apologize for all the inconvenience this may have caused.
    So I'm just wondering what is going on because I have donated many times and just right now this happens. Any help here or somebody that has had this before?
    I really want to donate before the double PP event is over.
  4. I recently used a skill reset on my Bishop character on 11/14/2015 at 11:30ish pm. (Server Time) I learned Transfer Mana up to level 4 because I have the Dionysos set which gives Transfer Mana Lvl 1. When I changed map, I had Transfer Mana Lvl 3! I assumed it was just a bug and it will fix on its own, so I did not upgrade it to level 4 just in case. I later went on a DD and did not pay attention to my skill until I finished the DD during countdown. I was shocked to see it go from level 3 to level 2! When the countdown was over I transfered back to Alker Harbor and BOOM! Tansfer Mana Lvl 1. I had 35 SP, so I carefully learned Transfer Mana Lvl 4 again, and this time I changed map purposely to see if it will happen again AND IT DOES! And here's the messed up part... It does not replace my SP points nor gold!  :( Meaning I have to learn TM Lvl 4 AGAIN for the 3rd time! Its outrageous if you ask me... 


    After calming down  :P , I take note that it may be the Dionysos set that is bugging the skill, so I take off the boot and change map to verify and as I suspected, the skill did not delevel. So now I'm sitting here with a low level skill when I already paid for level 4 (3 times), AND not enough SP to buy more... I don't know if the GMs can fix this bug instantly or they have to implement it in a patch or something.


    I do however would like to suggest if I may be able to get my Reskill back so I can get my SP that I have lost and learn Transfer Mana up to level 5 back to how it was. Just in the meantime so I won't be dealing with this bug, you know?


    This is my first post ever and sorry for making this a tad bit longer than it should have been. :P Greeting to everyone on forum!~



    !!!PS: Before I reskilled, I had Transfer Mana Lvl 5 (Level 6 with Dionysos set) but level 6 was bugged and in order for me to properly use the skill I had to remove the boot to use level 5. No problem whatsoever. With this being said, thank you in advance! 



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