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Posts posted by StarryNight

  1. 1 hour ago, Bombillo said:

    Mungkin bisa di kembalikan, coba langkah - langkah di topic ini: 

    Tapi mungkin aja ga akan diterima, soalnya itu salah kamu sendiri ... Terus itu kamu menuliskan informasi akun kamu di situs yg ga resmi menurut saya hampir sama seperti membagikan informasi akun sendiri.

    Tapi coba aja dulu, mungkin akun kamu bisa di kembalikan.

    oh gitu, iya makasih ya sarannya ... sudah dicoba

  2. jujur ini agak memalukan, tetapi ingin tanya, duluuu sekali sekitar tahun 2010 atau 2011, ada pemain yang ngeshout di megaphone utk kunjungi situs fradeon.com..... ternyata di situs itu ada formulir isian utk jadi moderator. Dengan polosnya aku isi username dan password akun aku. Dan alhasil dihack-lah akunku, tapi username akun-ku itu sampe sekarang masih sama, hanya saja passwordnya yang dia ganti ... aku lupa sama email dari akun aku itu, ada yang punya saran ga? itu banyak sekali kenangan dengan char pertama aku di akun itu ....

  3. so, why then? why some people hate Luna Plus? if you do, may I know the reasons? it seems like this server is the only one left which still adopt the first of Luna-like. One of my reason which make me hesitate to play in this one is because it's a private server. So many people hate to play in private servers, they use private server just for training before they play-for-sure in the official one. But I think it's not just a private server. Am I wrong? then I would love to hear your reasons :)

  4. I dunno am I right to post it right here.

    Cos, i found nothing to post in General forums. It says "You cannot start a new topic". So I decided to post it here.


    I wanna ask something. Why this Celestia server is obviously long-last? I found it in 2010 and still active until right now. I found other Luna server which can only operate for about 2 or 3 years after the official launch. After that, it was closed. What makes Celestia Server so special? I wonder why it's different. Are the moderating teams still the same from the very beginning of this? or they were no longer here? if so, then it could be 2 or 3 years after this official launch there were re-recruitment for new moderators. Am I wrong?


    And why now it just 300 players for max players to play? Why I can say such things is because when it reach 300 players, I often got disconnected while in the game. When I found it in 2010, 3000 players were still available to log-in in the game.


    Besides, by the way, ​I decide to play only in 1 server and always be in that server. So, I still find the server until now.

    Please, sorry if I said something wrong. Feel free to correct me. Thankyou

    - StarryNight :)

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