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Posts posted by Volare

  1. Khan ada rules yg berlaku, jd lbh baik di buat report.

    Utk report ya hrs sesuai ketentuan yg ada.

    Kl maen PK, khan tergantung playernya, ada yg gk mau point pk.

    Gtu sih kl pdpt sy. ^^

    Lanjut tidur ^^

    haha iya bener tuh, tapi sebelum report jangan lupa formatnya sesuai seperti yang di tentukan ya, soalnya banyak sekali report2 orang yang di denied karna format dan bukti2nya kurang. 

    yang paling penting kasih mereka warning beberapa kali secara sopan (dan ambil SS ketika kamu memberikan warning tentunya)

    jika mereka masih ngeyel yaaa, baru deh post di forum  ;)

  2. up !

    sekalian absen :D


    IGN : Volare ( Soul Arbiter 14*)

             Ulthor (Cardinal 14*)

             xDexter (Cardinal 14*)

             Avarielle (Magnus 13*)


    Guilds : KaskusReborn & NorthernLight


    salam kenal 

  3. 1. I've never heard somebody's getting hacked for no reason, unless if you've put your account information to the "unofficial" website, or shared it with somebody else


    2. There's been some DDoS attack in the past, but their responses are pretty quick, usually took them by hours to solve and fix  it.


    3. well, I've been playing on this server from 2010, so you'll be the judge


    4. back to point 3, fingers crossed though


    I'd say this server is pretty much improved, especially about the new staff, and over all, 7/10

    it would be much better if they're going to make event more often in the future, cheers

  4. 1 week ago i got this problem...i cant open 2 account at same time again :/

    LOL, I'm guessing you didn't read all the post properly 

    the dual login thingy is only for the comparison that nothing is wrong with the internet connection, only 1 of the account were disconnected after all

    so even when you're only login 1 account, its still happening

  5. There's a big difference between disconnecting "The connection has been broken. Shutting down the game" and crashing, when the program stops workings (goes white and a windows notice pops asking if you want to close the program). You should state which one happens to each of you, there seems to be a mix up between the two in the original message.

    mine isn't crashing, its disconnecting, like somebody else is trying to force login the same ID 

  6. well it's weird, I was about to post the same thing earlier, good thing you brought it up

    usually I always using 2 different account at the same time, 1 for my vending and the other one is for regular use, but the strange thing is 1 of them is keep getting disconnected ( and yes indeed there is nothings wrong with my internet connection) 

    at first I thought maybe somebody else using it, but even when I've changed the password this problem keeps happening, weird huh

  7. PVP = player versus player atau kata lainnya 1 on 1 battle


    alasan player melarang sih biasanya karna mereka ga punya banyak skill defense (maunya pake skill yang punya damage gede / offense )

    sebelum request/accept battle request mendingan sepakati dulu mau all skill atau ada skill yang di ban

  8. usually if you want to multi login, just open the launcher at the same time first, then you can click start whenever you want,

    I always getting the same notice when I tried to open the other program that needed an administrator permission

  9. well in that case, I doubt that you can play on mac

    and if you are so sure that you've had the right ID, why don't you try to ask the staff on IRC about it, could take a while for them to reply in here anyway

  10. do i EVER ask about your language?

    well, i dont even care if you tell me xD

    if you do have a real life, just grab your cock-es and stay calm over there,

    this topic doesnt even relevant about grammar,its about edited items..

    so enjoy yoyr cock-es (forgive me if i did the wrong spelling, since im not perfect as you do)

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