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Posts posted by Exekiel

  1. If dual wield and one handed is a different thing why not disable 1 handed skill for dual this way gm can call this "balanced" and this will affect both normal and pd, and to break(i mean balance)  the game more why not remove 1h training on sm so everyone goes dual but when u apply the balance thinge i mentioned u cant use most of the 1h skill which is dumb but i like it because it will attack everyone pd, and normal players. 

    If this game isnt design for pd why does its previous patches shows it. 

    -Restrict some skills to sword only: it does affect only normal players, why? Pd doesnt need that extra crit damage(from axe mortality)while normal players want it or sometimes need it. Restrict aoe to sword only/1hand ? It will drastically reduce the damage of normal players for pve which will slow down their progress on catching up.

    "ok, 1h training is for dual weapons too". We would have a class that has 3 different passives increasing damage. (1h, weapon training, dual wield training) That's pretty unfair for the other two classes whether or not pd-players exist.

    The problem is pd doesnt need that extra p.a from 1h training because they have to much stats and normal players does need it, and how is it unfair sm is nit meant to do high damage with fastest casting speed. So how it doesnt affect normal players? 

    Not considering musket as 2h?:

    In pve everyone needs it both pd and normal. While this affect both pd and normal player it does not matter that much pd only want to reach 150 and go pvp while normal players will mostly be used in pve(not that im saying you will see musket in pvp).

    So if u read patches it is mostly reducing power or a class/char which will only affects nornal player most of the time while pd have too much power anyways.

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  2. Yes one handed passuve doesnt work for dual wield because this server is designed for pd

    If 1h does work with dual it will help a lot of normal players as for the PDs they always have so much damage what ever u do

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