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Posts posted by haze86

  1. Hello, new player here. As the title says, I'm in need of advice. So I'm currently a level 103 Knight planning to become a Magnus. 1h+shield


    This was my first character to get to the 105 and the main reason I made it was to be a stepping stone aka farming, de-level+boosting my alts (PVE). I was planning to build entrapper at first but it seems like it will be hell leveling it considering I was planning to use Ruff>Scout>RW>Entrap path and eva equip is expensive as hell. So I'm ditching it, till I can boost it myself with my Magnus.


    So the main question is should I use 1h-sword+shield or 1h-axe+shield?

    Currently I'm using 1h-sword+shield and full str stat because Magnus's main weapon seems to be a sword considering its sword passives are higher lvled. the problem is my non-crit dmg sucks, and I don't crit that much as my crit rate sucks. Should I reskill and restat to 1h-axe+shield and full dex? I can get a decent lvl in Axe passives from Knight but would it be enough to increase my dmg? or maybe I should stick to sword and increase crit rate somehow??


    I know PVP and Guild War are a big part of the game in Luna but I'm focusing on PVE and not planning to go PVP in the near future. So what would be better? sword or axe?

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