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Posts posted by Ħυღ@ηḎε﹩⊥ґ◎

  1. :D

    ??? why you just put emoticon that is considered spam -.-

    Spam is unwanted, unnecessary or annoying messages.

    On the forums, Spam can be:

    • Single word replies
    • Smileys with no words
    • Any conversation better suited for Private Messages or Off-Topic
    • A similar or identical message posted multiple times.
    • Derailing a Topic - Posting something not related to the topic.

  2. just think this... why Gpotato not have Luna Plus anymore? XD

    their developers aka EYA dont care for luna plus gpot , they just want to milk the game dry of money. regardless of that they dont fix any bugs they just use cheap tricks in order to keep their players busy like 100% exp increase because of a map crash etc when a gm can just log on for a couple of mins to reset it ?

    its not the game luna plus itself ( they DID lose a majority preplus players) its the people behind the game of it, who have no clue how to keep a MMO alive, just look at the other games that have shut down created by EYA.

  3. made a panzer, the gun skills are pretty weak so there goes the big fuss about them, and btw the skill reloading musket doesn't seem to work for me or maybe the atk spd% is miniscule... you can look for yourself though lol

  4. been told most if not all attack skills are working but im a bit skeptical... especially since the answers were vague lol, so im in the process of making my own and testing the crap out of them

    made a panzer, the gun skills are pretty weak so there goes the big fuss about them, and btw the skill reloading musket doesn't seem to work for me or maybe the atk spd% is miniscule... you can look for yourself though lol

  5. to the best of my knowledge, musket training does not work, and guns are bugged insomuch as a) no construction stats; and B) cannot be philoed (makes it so all muskets are created equal, but also means that you cant get a really nice one)

    ive been told the attack skills work but im not 100% sure about that (some people may say that iron night is supposed to be aoe, but it was originally single target and later changed, and celest is based off an older version so being 1v1 for it isnt a bug)

    so this also could possibly mean sniper is working too? since they both are gun wielding classes? or just panzer is the only one gun class working?

  6. I was somewhat trolling the last time I mentioned this but maybe it would actually be a good idea.

    If the server crashes and there is "downtime" then I suggest that the admins give us a reward for our patience. Maybe they can give like 100% gift to the first 300 people that log into the game after downtime or something of the sort. This way, downtime will not so upsetting to many of the players but instead a way of anticipating gifts. This would not be the case if there is server maintainence, only when the maps suddenly crash and we all get back screen, which happen now and then. It also says sorry to the people who might only be able to come online at that certain time period or were planning to do something they felt was important. I know that admins always try to do their best, but people always complain anyhow. Just doing this, it shows that the admins care about the common player and the server problems and are wonderful people (LOL).

    Please give a green + if you are in support of the idea. Who doesn't love free gifts? Don't forget to share with your friends!


  7. And finally on December 25th its Christmas time ! We will be giving out Experience Point[20%]Increase Scroll(30days) x 1 and familiar candy x 10 for those who manage to trade costume set - Santcostume for the Permanent [JP] Santa set. Players will get this from their Item Mall storage so no need to trade a GM to get it. Note that the exp scroll and candy stack with 100% exp scroll.

    Here are the list of name that manage to exchange the costume set with [JP] Santa set:

    TLDR; its legal and not ilegal

  8. that happen to me before, when i got 10 Strike in 1 of my philo, then suddenly it become 9.9 on the next day, or when i trade the item to my other char. this happened also when i got 8.0 Eva become 7.9

    i dont know if its a bug or not.

    its not like "hey, that only 0.1 decrease, doesnt give any effect at all lol"

    its about how proud we are when we could get 10 strike or 8.0 Eva in 1 of our philo.

    we know how hard to get those maximun number for strike and eva in philo.

    and if we wanna sell those item, it would give a big difference in price also.

    exactly :)

  9. no, she means like bachelor hat of glory, bachelor hat of refining, etc ya' know? the bach with 3% patk and the matk bach ? she wants those to be in the IM. And also include the bonnet, magic hat , bach PA/MA/DEX ones permanent

  10. Belt of Wisdom is better than DS spell since it adds 25% matk crit i mean sure DS spell adds 5% matk but that 25% matk is imo more effective think about it a soul arbiter with maxed fortunate magic and twinkle magic with Bow will be a critting machine

    • Upvote 1
  11. i have a suggestion for DD

    how if we make characteristic of monster lv 81-100 like monster at 61-80 DD? all monster come and attack if i near that monster but not in 81-100.. just 4 or 5 monster come and attack when i approach to the monster, so i must attract it -_- its make DD harder, how if we make DD liek that? all monster come and attack me when i got closer not 4 or 5 monster, thanks :D

    and sorry for my bad english :D

    nice thought twin wkwkwk you are the smarter twin LOL

  12. Hi all, i like to buy HC ori and i've noticed that i got 19,1 patk HC on my Hidden Barrier Necklace but when i teleport to another map it goes to 19.0 patk. Is this a bug or what? because it very annoying and hurtful x.x yes 0.1 patk does not make a HUGE difference but hey better than a 19.0 patk HC lol

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