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Posts posted by JENKA

  1. TM = very special for party

    BT = the best for lvling alone

    entrapper = 50% party and 50% alone

    just my opinion from skills perspective

    Ehem... My BT was pure STR, was the highest patk and STR in record book before new forums. He was strong, but dies quick cause of low eva and p.def. In the other hand, my Entrapper eva type solo grave at lvl 112. Relies on DOT and finishes the whole tombstone area quickly.

  2. actually, the difference is just the amount of skills they have. Pure path have lesser skills available so they possibly have more SPs at lower lvl. While hybrid path have various skills available.

    Indeed Zekkai.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Pure straight paths don't work. Trust me. You get the best for mixing. For example, if you went TH then Entra, Entrapper is just like TH, which you can get in Entrapper any ways and max it there. If you when RW then Entra, you get extra skills like illusion attack for stun and go Entra, you still get the skill from TH.

    If you understand what I'm saying...

  4. Agreed. Does anyone know a good number and % for movement speed. I know I had a +119.8 movement speed philo. That is a high philo, almost like a pumpkin I think, but for higher level items. For % I think I reached 5.8%, that's past half way to 10% movement speed.

  5. I'm quite curious on the new stuff available in Luna Plus. Besides, SSGAMES Luna Plus is increasing in players also. And what if GF Luna go + too?

    So many competing servers. Also, Brandon, you could also make the new items into the ItemShop Premium Points only. Well the really good ones, not all of them, cause then going CL+ would be useless.

    Besides, it's true, most of them are still unstable, even with trojan.gen.2 virus and stuff. Maybe wait until all the bugs are sorted in the real Luna Plus.

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